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Chapter 2:The Role of Language and Story

Samantha Esposito

Five registers of language: Frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate Discourse: how information is organized. Discourse: primary and secondary language (ESL) Many students do not understand why they need to use formal language.

Summary cont.
Formal-register discourse pattern: straight to point Casual-register discourse pattern: around issue gets to point Formal-Register story structure-beginning, middle(Plot), end Plot is the most important Casual-Register story structure- End of story, story told in pieces with audience participation.
Ex. Cinderella story Characterization = most important part.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella. Her father remarried a woman who had three daughters. When Cinderellas father dies, her step mother treated Cinderella very badly and, in fact, made her the maid for herself and her three daughters. As the same time in this land, the King decided it was time for the Prince to get married. So, he sent summons to all the people in the kingdom to come to a ball..

Well, you know Cinderella married the Prince, in spite of that old nasty step-mother. Pointy eyes, that one. Old hag! Good thing she has a fairy godmother or she never wouldve made it to the ball. Lucky thing! God bless her ragged tail! Wish I had be a fairy godmother. And to think she nearly messed up big time by staying til the clock was striking 12. After all the fairy godmother had done for her. Um, um. She should know better. Eyes to full for the Prince, they were.

How this applies to teaching

Children come from poverty are not exposed to formal language. More difficult for children of poverty to express themselves using formal language
Getting to the point.

State tests use formal language Teachers need to directly explain why its important to use formal language.
State tests (SAT, ACT..) Well-paying job

Formal-Register vs. Casual-Register

Write the story of The Three Little Pigs in formalregister. Write the story of The Three Little Pigs in casualregister.

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