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Samantha Esposito EduG 789- Final Growth Statement April 25, 2013 Over the course of this semester

I have learned a lot about working with at risk students. While we have focused on different strategies to teach subject material to at-risk students, I have learned a significant amount by applying it to working with my own student. My experience creating a set of Individualized Evaluation Plan goals to meet the needs of my student has opened my eyes to working with students with special needs. At the end of last semester after testing my particular student with the WIAT, I was able to recognize the many areas in which my student had been struggling. From this point I was able to create a set of goals for my student to meet. Working with her over the past few weeks has really taught me how to implement these goals. I have learned that while one particular goal may be set, there are several ways to approach that goal. I have realized that while one strategy working towards solving a math word problem, may not work as well as another. Each student is different and therefore differentiation is essential within the classroom. The demonstration lessons presented to the class were also beneficial towards my growth as a Special Education teacher. Presenting my own lesson was another way I was able to get more practice in front of the classroom. It was good to obtain feedback from not only my classmates but my professor as well. I also thoroughly enjoyed experiencing other students lesson presentations as well. It is helpful to see firsthand different lesson ideas, ways of differentiating and personalities in front of the classroom. It is interesting to see what each

person brings to the table and how two lessons on a similar subject could be approached differently however, will still obtain the same results. This class has helped me realize what to expect when working with students with disabilities. I feel that I am well prepared to teach multiple subjects to meet the needs of all different types of students. I also am more familiar with process of creating an IEP and recognizing the needs each and every student within a classroom.

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