Biophysical Chemistry - Biochemistry - McGill University

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Biophysical chemistry | Biochemistry - McGill University (http://www.mcgill.


Biochemistry (/biochemistry/)
McGill.CA (http://www.m / BIOCHEMIS TRY ( /BIOCHEMIS TRY/) / Undergraduate studies (/biochem istry /undergraduates) / Course listing ( /bioc hem istry /undergraduates/courses)

Biophysical chemistry
BIOC 404
Biophysical Chemistry. 3 credits Biochemistry: Hydrodynamic and electrophoretic methods for separation and characterization of macromolecules. Optical and magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biopolymers, and applications to biological systems. Offered by: Biochemistry Winter Prerequisites: CHEM 204 ( /CHEM-204), CHEM 214 ( /CHEM-214) or equivalent Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking CHEM 404 (

9 Dec

Junior Seminars (/biochemistry /channels/event /junior-seminars230820) Amy Caudy, PhD / Seminar Title: "Metabolomics for Enzyme Discovery" (/biochemistry /channels/event /amy-caudyphd-seminar-titlemetabolomicsenzyme-discovery229336) Aurelie Laroque (Dr. Gros' Lab) / Senior Seminar: "Identifying host genetic factors controlling susceptibility to blood-stage malaria in mice" (/biochemistry /channels/event /aurelie-laroquedr-gros-lab-seniorseminar-identifyinghost-genetic-factorscontrolli)

11 Dec

16 Dec

Winter 2014

John R Silvius, William Claude Galley, Thomas Martin Schmeing
( /B I O CH EMI ST R Y /CH A NNEL S _ I T EM/2 )

Consult Student Course Calendars ( /calendars/) for date, time and location.

(/biochemistry /channels_item/2/rss) (webcal:// /biochemistry /channels_item/2/ical)

Mid-term: 30% Final exam: 70%

Course Text
There is no assigned text for this course; readings will be placed in binders that can be signed out (in exchange for your ID card) from the Biochemistry office.

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Biophysical chemistry | Biochemistry - McGill University

Several not-for-credit problem sets (with answers) will be handed out during the course as a study aid.

Hydrodynamics Sedimentation Electrophoresis Optical Absorption Spectroscopy Fluorescence Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry NMR X-ray Crystallography

Lecture notes and downloads

Hydrodynamics article 1 ( / Hydrodynamics article 2 ( /404_silvius_02.pdf) Sedimentation article 1 ( /sites/ Sedimentation article 2 ( /404_silvius_04.pdf) Electrophoresis article 1 ( /biochemistry/sites/ Electrophoresis article 2 (optional) ( / Fluorescence readings 1 ( /404_silvius_07.pdf) Fluorescence readings 2 ( /biochemistry/sites/ 404 Fluorescence Handout ( / 404 Hydrodynamics Q/A's ( /404_silvius_10.pdf) 404 Sedimentation Q/As ( /biochemistry/sites/ 404 Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy handout ( /biochemistry/sites/ 404 Fluorescence Problem Set ( / 404 Fluorescence Problem Set Answers ( /404_silvius_14.pdf) 404 Sedimentation Handout ( /biochemistry/sites/ Biochemistry 404 Data Sheet ( / 404 FCS study Q's ( /404_silvius_17.pdf)

Statement on Academic Integrity

"No student shall, with intent to deceive, represent the work of another person as his or her own in any academic writing, essay, thesis, research report, project or assignment submitted in a course or program of study or represent as his or her own an entire essay or work of another, whether the material so represented constitutes a part or the entirety of the work submitted."
Classified as BIOC 404 (/biochemistry/keyword/BIOC%20404) BIOC404 (/biochemistry/keyword/BIOC404) biochemistry (/biochemistry/keyword/biochemistry)

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Biophysical chemistry | Biochemistry - McGill University

Biophysical chemistry (/biochemistry/keyword/Biophysical%20chemistry) Updated on Thu, 2013-11-14 12:36

Copyright 2013 McGill University


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