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Wilson EDUC 353 Name: Clare McInerney Date: 11/25/13 Target Grade Level: 3rd grade Curriculum Topic:

Motion and Stability, Forces and Interactions

UbD Lesson Plan Template tage !: Desired "esults

Established Goals: Science 3PS2-3: Determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact. Writing W.3.2: Write informative e!planator" te!ts to e!amine a topic and conve" ideas and information clearl". Understandings: Essential #uestion$s%: Students ill understand !"" # $ow does static electricit" wor%& # #he concept of static electricit" # When does static electricit" ma%e some # Positive and negative attraction objects repeal and attract others& # $ow does static electricit" e!plain how # #his electrical process is the basis of lighting and circuit wor%& electricit" and lighting # $ow does electricit" travel& Students ill $no !" %&hat static electricity is - 'o does static electricity or$( - 'o does static electricity e)*lain ho e use electricity e+eryday( Students ill be able to!"" - Correctly *re,or- the lab instructions - Correctly ans er all o, the lab .uestions - Create a clear an in,or-ati+e *aragra*h e)*laining ho static electricity or$s and ho it e)*lains lighting"

tage &: 'ssessment Evidence

Per(ormance Tas)s: *t+er Evidence: %Class discussion - /re,or-ing and co-*letely the lab - 0ns ering the 1Static 2allon 0cti+ity3 %4bser+ing students during e)*eri-ent or$sheet" - &rite a *aragra*h e)*laining ho static electricity or$s and ho it connects to lighting"

tage 3: Learning Plan

Learning 'ctivities: 5earning Induction: Start with having a class discussion as% the students.. - What happens when "ou are petting "our cat or dog and than "ou touch a door %nob& - What happens when "ou are wal%ing around on carpet with "our soc%s on and than "ou touch someone& - What is that shoc% "ou get& 'ntroduce the topic of Static (lectricit") tell the students that toda" the" will be scientists* #he" are doing an e!periment to discover how static electricit" wor%s* /rocedures: %Put the students into pairs and hand each pair -+or accommodations for remedial students pari them up with either an average or gifted student. -#wo wor%sheets ,Static -alloon .ctivit"*/) one balloon) one paper plate) rice crisp" cereal - Partners will complete e!periment and answer all the 0uestions - .s a class go over the answers to the lab - (!plain that static electricit" can attract or it can repeal - When the balloon attracts "our hair or the the pieces of cereal) clouds and the ground are both attracting and repelling. - (!plain this is the foundation for the process of basic lighting - $and out ,$ow does Static (lectricit" wor%&/ wor%sheet) this is done independentl". Conclusion: %.s% a few students to read aloud their paragraphs to reaffirm what we just learned in class. -Paragraphs will be collected after the lesson to assess the students understanding

,temi-ed 'ttac+ments: or$sheet: %3Static 2allon 0cti+ity63 %3'o does Static Electricity



Static Balloon Activity! Directions: Hello Scientists, today you will be preforming an experiment !ou s"ould "ave t"e follow materials on your station
# # #

#aper plate $ice crispy cereal %ne balloon

&' $ub t"e balloon against your "ead and slowly move it furt"er away $ecord your results (Hint, w"ats "appening to your "air)' ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *****************************************************

+' $ub t"e balloon against your "ead again t"is time place it above t"e rice crispy, s -"at "appens wit" to t"e grains cereal) $ecord your results ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *****************************************************

Name: .How does Static /lectricity -or0)1 Directions: !ou are going to answer t"is 2uestion by writing a paragrap" 3irst introduce your topic by explaining t"e lab and w"at you discovered !ou also need to explain t"e connection between "ow static electricity wor0s and "ow lig"t are connected ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *****************************************************

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