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Collaborative Lesson Planning Template

Collaborator(s): __Harrison (reading specialist), Young (LMS), Flaherty (LMS Intern)__________________________ Lesson Date: _11/4/13- 11/8/13____ Course: ___Reading Classes (Read 180)___________________
How will we activate student learning (What is the warmup/activator?) Students will receive review instruction on note taking. Students will receive instruction on online resourcesEncyclopedia Britannica and Image Quest. Students will receive instructions on how to use Glogster ( a new program to them). What do we want students to know and be able to do by the end of this lesson? (What is the objective?) Students will research and take notes to complete a Glogster (report) on an animal they have researched.

What will the students be doing to construct knowledge? How are the students being engaged?

Studnets will be researching and taking notes complete with citations. We will work closely with the students on how to take notes, with descriptions and examples. Students will transfer notes into a paragraph writing exercise, allowing them to express and practice writing skills. They will type their paragraphs on each topic in Word, so that spelling and grammar check features of the program can be utilized. Students will create a Glogster as their final project. The Glogster will require students to use photos and written paragraphs to complete their animal project. They will be expected to use a background/theme that matches the habitat/environment of chosen animal. Students will then upload photos found using Image Quest and cite photos according to standards in their project. Students will use this technology tool to create their final product, allowing increased interest and engagement than simply writing a written report. What will we do for students who already know the material? Students who do not have the background knowledge? (How are we using previous lesson data to differentiate your lesson?)

Students have not used Glogster to create a project. This will be their first time using this product. Students may have used Encyclopedia Britannica to conduct research. These students will receive a review of the program, and receive a review of proper note-taking techniques. Students will be taught how to use Glogster and be given a quick guide to use to help students as they create their project. Students will receive one-on-one support as they complete each process of the project. We know from previous lessons that these students require individualized support as they conduct any writing exercises and reading can also be difficult. We have provided links to articles written in lower level language so as to increase their success in completing this project independently.

How will we know if they get it? (What will be the method of checking for student understanding, throughout the lesson?)

Students will be assessed at each stage of the project and be given feedback and individualized support to complete their project as independently as they can and with success. An exit card will be given on the first day of instruction to check understanding. Verbal checks will be given each day. When do you plan to formally assess students knowledge as a formative or summative assessment? __ Summative._________ What are the next steps for students who did not get it? (What are the plans for re-teaching?) Students will receive one-on-one support from LMS, teacher and LMS intern to ensure success, at each stage of the project.

How will we know if the students met the objective? (What is the closure or summarizer?)

Exit card. Written notes will be graded and checked for understanding and completion. Glogster is final product.

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