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Week 5 Instructions: Use this handout as a guide to keep you on task for the required assignments for this

course. According to the syllabus, this weeks schedule is as follows: Week 5: 9/19 9/25 Readings: Chapter 5 Teaching Information Literacy and Digital Citizenship Pages p. 139-140, 150-154 View multimedia videos: o Teacher as Facilitator for 21st Century Learners o Web Quests and Cooperative learning o Web Quests o Wireless Web Quests RubiStar Tutorial (Support Document) Assignments: Web Quest due 9/26 Chapter 5 Posttest

Web Quest 50 points!

You should start looking at the Web Quest assignment that is worth 50 points and due Sept 26. This is a major assignment and a very detailed rubric has been provided in the assignment details. It is expected you will do quality work on your Web Quest and I hope you enjoy the process! Review the materials listed in the Web Quest folder in the Assignments menu tab. In week 5, you will be instructed to watch several videos. You can find the videos under Course Resources then Multimedia Index.

Next select LAUNCH Multimedia Index

Select Collections tab, and then watch each video.

Also, look at the Document Sharing link in the Communicate Menu. You will find a Web Quest template to download and modify to fit your content. Read the RubiStar Tutorial Handout that instructs how to create a rubric. Be sure to look at the Web Resources listed and explore each of the links. They are:
Web Resources: Concept to Classroom: Web Quest Workshop Web Quest Taxonomy Kathy Schrocks Slideshow about Web Quests

Discussion E-Books and E-Readers Be sure to post and respond to this discussion by Oct. 3. This assignment is worth 5 points. To earn maximum credit, you must write a thoughtful and original post and responses. You will find this Discussion in the Communicate link. Course Reflections and Posttest No Course Reflection assignment for Chapter 5! (Use this extra time this week to work on your Web Quest!) Chapter Posttest The posstest is located in the Course Content Study Plan. The study plan has videos you can watch and also a pretest you can take. These exercises are optional. The only assignment that is for credit is the posstest. Posttests Chapters 1-6 are due Oct. 17 and worth 12 points in total. Please email me if you have questions!

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