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From: Amanda Kay Helmick Date: November 7, 2013 11:43:15 AM PST Subject: West Seattle's Roxhill Park Good

Morning Metro, I am the Chair of the Westwood / Roxhill / Arbor Heights Community Council. We had our monthly meeting on Tuesday of this week, where our main focus was Roxhill Park. We had community Members from Roxhill Elementary, Daystar Retirement Village, Seattle Parks, Westwood Village as well as many concerned Neighbors. Our main objective was to talk about how to enhance Roxhill, and discuss the issue of safety. With the Westwood Village Shopping Center and surrounding streets becoming the Transit Hub for this area, we have seen increased levels of transients and petty crime. Even more concerning is the rise in serious crimes. We have had a stabbing, robberies, vicious assaults a parent had a knife pulled on him during the day this past Sunday, at the playground. We had reports from Roxhill Park's Steward, Scott Blackstock, of finding over 200 tamper proof liquor caps from local grocery stores in the bogs of the park, along with copious amounts of trash. Daystar residents have seen tarps, tents and increased trash as well. We have been working with SPD and Seattle Parks on these matters, and they have been very responsive to our concerns. However, we have yet to see any significant changes to the Transit Hub since our concerns were brought to your attention at our June 4th meeting. We would like to see Metro: Clean up and Police Metro Facilities 1. Metro should be cleaning the stop and surrounds regularly, not Seattle Parks or Daystar. 2. Metro Transit Police must be present at the Transit Hub. Review of Route and Scheduling Considerations. 1. DSHS, Salvation Army, the White enter !ood "ank, and the

1. The Wall o$ "uses inhibit observation o$ the park $rom "arton Street. 2. The bus Wall creates ha'ardous driving conditions $rom ()th Ave SW

W# o$$ice are in White enter. The bus connection to White enter is lacking. %ou have moved people a&ay $rom the important services that they need. Changes to Transit Hub Implementation.

3. The lack o$ parking in the West&ood *illage Parking lot to support a Hub 4. Addition o$ lighting at the bus stop and along "arton St to ()th Ave SW +&here the (, and let passengers o$$We anticipate an answer from you before our December 2nd meeting. Sincerely Yours, Amanda Kay Helmick WWRHAH CC Chair

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