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IT Project: Lesson Plan Template

Endorsement Subject Class Unit Lesson Resources Standard Secondary Education 8th grade Mathematics Algebra 1 Single Variable Equations Survey of Single Variable Equations Math book (optional), computer or iphone and MA 8.3 Students will communicate algebraic concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. MA8.3.1.b Describe relationships using algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities (e.g., two-step, one variable) First day would be the lesson of how to solve one variable algebra equations. The next day we would go over questions using socrative. The students would use their computer or iphone to give me the answer to the algebraic equation. If there were specific questions that many students missed, I could go over step by step project. After using socrative I would want students to understand how to solve one variable equations. Math book (optional), computer (provided by school) or Iphone, paper, pen, and Will use to see what questions there is about one variable equation. Objective 1. Understand the step by step process of solving one variable equations Objective 2. Applying the students understanding by using to solve the equation and giving me the answer Objective 3. Evaluate using a test at the end to see how well they understand and apply the concepts in a test environment They need to have a basis understanding of addition and subtraction. They also need a basic overview of how to use the, which I will have gone over with them. The last day of this lesson plan on one variable equation, will be a test. This will evaluate how well the students understood the step-by-step process. First day of the week, I would introduce 1 variable algebraic equations. In this lesson I would show them a step-by-step process of how to solve the equation. Then I would go over a few examples of problems in class. The next day in class I would get on and have them get on with either their iphones or computer (provided by school). This way they can join my room and I would start the premade quiz with 1 variable equation questions on it. This would be a multiple choice quiz so they have a few options that make sense, so I can see where they go wrong. Then after each question I would get the results, this would also allow the students not to be named if they get it wrong. As the quiz goes on the questions get harder. After getting the results if many of the students have missed the question, I will then go over on the board with them how to get the right answer. Even if many didnt miss it I will ask if there are any questions of how to retrieve the answer. I would then send them home with some homework that they could do on their own. We would check the homework in class the


Technology Uses/Materials Needed Objectives

Preparing the Student Assessment of Student Learning Lesson Sequence

Measurement of Success

next day to see if there were any more questions. At the end of the week there will be a test on which I will bring them into the computer lab to finish, they will write down their work on a piece of paper and hand it in to me. Then I will grade them and put their grades up. At the end of this will be a test created on by me and they would have to show me the steps it took them to get the answer they come up with. This will use a high level of metacognition because they are thinking about how they are getting to each answer. Then when I grade the tests, I will be able to see if they were able to do the right steps. This will also show me if using to go over hard problems helped the students understand. I believe if they do well on the test, I could use socrative in other lesson plans with math and more subjects such as English, Science etc.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.


Anticipatory Set: Go over simple addition and subtraction problems to get them ready for 1 variable. Objective: Objective 1. Understand the step by step process of solving one variable equations Objective 2. Applying the students understanding by using to solve the equation and giving me the answer Objective 3. Evaluate using a test at the end to see how well they understand and apply the concepts in a test environment Input: Show the students how to use their prior knowledge of addition and subtraction to do 1 variable equations. Guided Practice: The guided practice is using socrative in class to see what questions need to be gone over again. This way I am interacting with the students to make sure this is something they can achieve. Independent Practice: I would send them home with homework after doing the socrative practice in class. This gives them the time they need to do the practice on their own, to see if they understand it. Closure: This closure would be the test. This is a way for them to review what they have learned and show me how they come to the answer they do. Technology Choices: I used Socrative because it is an easy way to find out if students understand what I am teaching. It also gives them a way to ask questions without feeling embarrassed because no one knows who gets each question right/wrong. This also shows me which part of my teaching lesson I need to make stronger by seeing where the students go wrong in the practice.

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