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Sabrina Serrano Reflections of My Writing Journey My journey in writing my first semester thus far has been numerous papers ranging from short to long assignments. Each paper I wrote contained my true thoughts, feelings, and a piece of me in them; in some way there are a reflection of who I am. The piece of writing that I believe was the most important paper was, Emotional Literacy. This paper made me think back to my childhood and reflect on my life in general. I enjoyed writing about the two literacy events in my life because, it made me realize what literacy meant and how it unknowingly affected my life. Looking back on it now, it makes me reminisce on my past. My second piece of writing, was defining if video games could be listed as a form of literacy. It was more of an opinionated short-essay which made me realize how each person has a different view of writing. In writing a personal essay, it rules out another peoples view on a certain situation or thing. While I was writing this paper, I had to consider what do most people define as literacy? Looking back, that piece makes me realize that when trying to understand things and prove a point, you have to look at both sides of the argument. We wrote peer responses and reading responses. I enjoyed writing and responding to this piece because you see the other forms of writing and how it differs from your own. In the peer responses, I had some difficulties, one of the reasons was that I had to be open minded when I was giving them advice or editing this paper. I couldnt look at only what only I liked, I had to look at what worked well with the paper. The type of writing was informal, a letter, so it was friendly and non-confrontational.

When considering the audience you have to look at the type of audience and since I was writing to people in my peer group, the language I used wouldnt be the same as if I was writing to a professor or an adult. There are almost always constraints when writing a paper. Each paper I mentioned also had a deadline which was due in a week or two from the date assigned. This course thus far has taught me that literacy is a lot more than just the definition that is given in dictionaries. You have to look beyond the basics of literacy, and not be so closed-minded. It has also taught me not to take things for granted. Surprisingly, the most enjoyable piece I wrote was about my literacy events because it came natural. Being in the class has made writing come more natural for me. It has made me confident in my writing, because it has taught me that even the best writers have had trouble writing and have bad rough drafts, but by revising a paper you can always make it better.

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