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Memo: To: From: Date: Dr. Mary French professor of Business & Technical Writing Carolina Castanon, Edith Orozco, Teya Kelly, and Vickie Jackson 11/21/2013 C: Becky Gruhl, Linda Smith


Usability Report on TAFBs Website

Purpose The Purpose for our Report is to Analyze the Findings in our Usability Test and Measure the Results in Graph & Text

Introduction In order to successfully maintain and keep any website current and up to date, it needs to be tested so that it meets the standards of the intended audience. Also, many websites suffer from bad navigational setups which greatly affect the amount of information the average person can access. The style that the information is presented in also plays a major factor. If the information is too wordy then less people are likely to read the material. We the Rare Diamonds began by administrating a usability test to a selected group of fifty or so college students (which is the intended focus group), and recorded their answers in the following report. The following will be discussed in this report. The lack of organized information, the look of the page, the need to shorten their information into smaller chunks, the necessity of a direct "tab" or "link" from the home page to the volunteer page and finally the suggestions for solutions that we came up with.

Methods / Materials Everything that our team used or was necessary for the test is listed below Fifty surveys were distributed in a class room setting, of those fifty twenty five were woman and the other twenty five were men between the ages of 18-54. To fill out the survey individuals needed access to the following materials: Computer Internet Pen or penile The surveys consisted of seven questions focusing on the volunteer section of the TAFB website.

Results The following pertains to the raw information collected in the usability test Our test subjects answered the following questions and these were the answers (in percentages).

Table 1. List of Ratings & Percentages. 1 being Strongly disagree & 5 being Strongly agree.

Ratings and Percentages

Is this website easy to navigate as far as links and instructions? Would you say the volunteer section was placed in a good location? Would you say your search was a successful one as far as finding the accurate information in adequate and timely manner? Would you rate this website as current and up to date? Did you find the website to be enticing and persuasive? Did the website make you want to volunteer? Would you change this website to make it more appealing? Total The comments that were added to the survey:

#1 4 #2 8 #3 5 #4 12



21 50 10.0%





















3 4

8 6

10 11

12 12

20 19

53 52

10.6% 10.4%







1. What would you change in the website to make it more appealing? a) 3% say to change the color that would draw viewer to read. b) 93% say it looks fine. c) 2% say to change the picture, that it looks a little cheap. d) 2% say it needs to be shorter and sweeter, and to the point. 2. Did the website make you want to volunteer? a) 97% said, yes b) 3% did not want to volunteer.


4 The following explains the la work and percentages The results we found were as we suspected in the beginning of this report our group said that we suspected that the lack of organization of the tabs and information would cause confusion and frustration we also that if needs went meet that the consumer was less likely to wont to do business with the organization. We found that that only 6% of the whole group found the page meets their needs and only about 50% would volunteer. This is a smaller number than what we expected and in the following graph you can see that most surveyors agreed than with the website.



Tarrant Area Food Bank

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 1. Chart of Ratings. 1 being Strongly disagree & 5 being Strongly agree.


Tarrant Area Food Bank. Tarrant Area Food Bank. 2012-2013. Web. 15 Oct 2013.

Jurmann, Matt. The Dos and Don'ts of Website Navigation Usability. Chromatic. 20 Nov, 2007. Web. 21 Nov, 2013.

SELF-EVALUATION FORM Your name: Vickie Jackson Date: November 29, 2013 Title of the project: The Tarrant Area Food Bank Instructions
On this form, record and evaluate your own involvement in this project. In the Log section, record the activities you performed as an individual and those you performed as part of the group. For all activities, record the date and the number of hours you spent. In the Evaluation section, write two brief statements: one about aspects of your contribution you think were successful and one about the aspects you want to improve.

Log Individual Activities volunteer research TAFB volunteer TAFB photo and interview and community kitchen photos meeting w/director of volunteer opportunities


Number of Hours 1.0 2.5 2.5 2.0

9/25 10/4

Volunteer presentation NW Tarrant County College Volunteer presentation Trinity River Campus TAFB pantry interview and photos




11/11 11/20

Activities as Part of Group Group meetings Researching proposal / TAFB Writing the first pages of the proposal Sharing information on the TAFB w/group rough draft due working on final draft / turn in early meeting to plan on the second assignment/progress report meeting for the progress report, my job is to write intro meeting rough draft due date for progress report/ on time working on usability test, hand out survey and gather the data meeting for the rough date on the survey final draft ready Due 11/21

Date 09/26

Number of Hours

9/29 10/14 10/15 1017 10/21 10/21 10/28 10/30 11/4 11/11 11/18
Total hours



I started working, writing and the research on the proposal

Professor French


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also the progress report, Carol did the writing for the usability tests, we did a test for our brochure but it wasnt on the one we are turning in, so in my deliverable there will be no usability test mainly because the finish produce was not ready until the Dec 3, 2013. I design the logo Rare Diamonds in the diamonds you will see that there are three initial, C V E and the color represent who we are and our personalities. I put in over ten hour + at home working on the power point for the TAFB volunteer opportunities on the TCC SGA service project. I am proud of our team they did a fine job, dont you think?

Evaluation Aspects of My Participation That Were Successful I perform two presentation w/ power point to the Senate meeting at two College locations , and for the first time preforming as a speaker was a wonderful experience, I was able to get the point across on the floor of the form about opportunities on volunteer that were available for students who were interest in usage of their service project. Our client needs more college students involved in helping with the Tarrant Area Food Bank, though Back pack 4kids and Quality Control, I was able to establish a dedication date April 6&7 2014. I am proud of myself for the work I put on behalf of TAFB and Rare Diamonds which it was my ideal of the name and the logo. This class was a great learning experience and I have enjoy being present.

Aspects of My Participation That I Want to Improve in the Future I was having problem with saving my project on my computer at home or even retrieving information in class. My teammates, Rare Diamonds help me with the matter and show me what I was doing wrong, I also was having problem with graphic. We choose to give everyone a chance to do the reverse task, so we will have experience in a variety of jobs, it was a challenge, yet we were able to get through it and get the job done, also I at time did not revise my work but found myself revising my team mate paper and she did the same for me, it was funny, we found that we just needed to slow down.

Professor French


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GROUP-MEMBERS EVALUATION FORM Your name: Vickie Jackson Title of the project: The Tarrant Area Food Bank Date: November 30, 2013 Instructions
Use this form to evaluate the other members of your group. Write the name of each group member other than yourself in one of the columns, then assign a score of 0 to 10 (0 being the lowest grade, 10 the highest) to each group member for each criterion. Then total the scores for each member. Because each group member has different strengths and weaknesses, the scores you assign will differ. On the back of this sheet, write down any comments you wish to make.

Group Members Criteria 1. Regularly attends meetings 2. Is prepared at the meetings 3. Meets deadlines 4. Contributes good ideas in meetings 5. Contributes ideas diplomatically 6. Submits high-quality work 7. Listens to other members 8. Shows respect for other members 9. Helps to reduce conflict 10. Your overall assessment of this persons contribution Carol 1. 10 2. 10 3. 10 4. 10 5. 10 6. 9 7. 10 8. 10 9. 10 10. 8 Edith 1. 10 2. 10 3. 10 4. 10 5. 10 6. 10 7. 10 8. 10 9. 10 10. 8 92 Teya 1. 7 2. 9 3. 10 4. 10 5. 10 6. 10 7. 10 8. 10 9. 10 10. 8 94 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Total Points 97

Professor French


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Professor French


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This is Teya Kelly work and wonderful job he have done

Professor French


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Gathering together to nourish our kids


Volunteers Needed: Monday Saturday

April 4th & 5th, 2014
To schedule volunteering, please contact:

Becky Gruhl, Volunteer Coordinator, 817-332-9177

Students, Groups, or Family Teams are welcome!

The Tarrant Area Food Bank

Professor French


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Ride For Kids

Ride with the Mayor Betsy Price Benefiting the Tarrant Area Food Bank

Gear up 4 Kids

Professor French


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Thank You Very Much

Professor French


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