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Shape Hunt

Rationale: The purpose of this lesson is to

review 2D/3D shapes, greater than/less than, and addition.

Submitted by:

Jenna Barron

Grade Level K


TSW identify different 2D and 3D geometric !a"e in t!e cla room. TSW com"are 2 or more number . TSW add ingle digit number .

@ecording !eet )encil &rea to loo' for !a"e

TEKS Achieved:
Kindergarten 6at!ematic 728 *umber and o"eration . 7/8 u e com"arative language to de cribe t%o number u" to 23 "re ented a %ritten numeral 738 *umber and o"eration . 7&8 model t!e action of 9oining to re"re ent addition 7B8 olve %ord "roblem u ing ob9ect and dra%ing to find um u" to $3 7.8 Geometry and mea urement. 7&8 identify t%o:dimen ional !a"e , including circle , triangle , rectangle , and 5uare a "ecial rectangle ; 7B8 identify t!ree:dimen ional olid , including cylinder , cone , "!ere , and cube , in t!e real %orld; 7<8 identify t%o:dimen ional com"onent of t!ree:dimen ional ob9ect ;

Lesson Plan: #ntroduction $. Tell tudent t!at today t!ey %ill be going on a !a"e !unt. 2. & ' tudent %!at t!ey t!in' t!at mean . T!en e("lain t!at t!ey %ill be loo'ing for different !a"e in t!eir cla room. )roce : $. Gat!er tudent on t!e car"et. & ' t!em to tell you ome of t!e different !a"e t!ey 'no%. T!en !ave t!em give e(am"le of eac!. 2. *e(t a ' t!em %!ic! !a"e t!ey %ill find t!e mo t of and %!y. 3. Divide t!e cla into grou" of 3 or + and de ignate a grou" leader. +. Di cu %!at t!e re "on ibilitie of t!e leader are: !el"ful, guide, doe not yell, not bo y, etc. -. S!o% t!e tudent t!e recording !eet and go over %!at !a"e t!ey %ill be loo'ing for. .. /and t!e recording !eet to t!e grou" leader and tell t!em t!ey %ill be recording t!e number of !a"e %it! tally mar' . 0. Tell tudent t!ey %ill !ave - minute to !unt for !a"e . 1. During t!e !unt, remind tudent to loo' all around t!e room. 2. Give tudent a $ min %arning. $3. &fter t!e - min, call tudent bac' to t!e car"et and gat!er t!e recording !eet . $$. & ' tudent if t!ey t!in' t!eir "rediction %ere correct4 $2. Write on t!e board t!e different !a"e , t!en %rite t!e number of tally mar' from eac! recording !eet. & ' tudent to add t!e number toget!er to get t!e total number for eac! !a"e. $3. & ' tudent %!at !a"e t!ey found t!e mo t of. # t!at %!at t!ey t!oug!t before t!ey tarted4 $+. & ' tudent to com"are t!e total u ing t!e ymbol for greater t!an, le t!an, or e5ual too. $-. T!en a ' tudent to find t!e difference bet%een t!e total for a fe% different !a"e . $.. To clo e, a ' tudent %!ere t!ey could !unt for more !a"e , different !a"e t!an %!at t!ey found today. Accommodations: $. /ave a "a"er for eac! tudent %it! t!e different !a"e "rinted on it t!at t!ey could u e a reference during t!e !unt.

Blooms Ta onom!:
Kno%ledge <om"re!en ion &""lication &naly i

"i##e$entiated Lea$nin%:
&uditory =i ual>S"atial Kine t!etic Logical>6at! =erbal>Lingui tic (For the four categories below, delete #nter"er onal any criteria which do NOT apply to your lesson or highlight those that do)

&lass$oom St$ate%ies:

<oo"erative Grou" /and :?n )roblem Solving W!ole:grou"

&u$$iculum *nte%$ation:

En$ichment(E tension: $. Ta'e t!e !a"e !unt to different "art of t!e c!ool and even out ide if time "ermit . 2. & ' tudent to loo' for !a"e at !ome and re"ort bac' t!e ne(t day %it! t!eir finding . Assessment(Evaluation: $. Student %ill be a e ed %!en t!ey an %er 5ue tion during t!e le on. 2. Student could be a e ed if t!ey are re5uired to record t!eir re "on e on a "a"er t!at t!e teac!er "ic' u".

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