3.4 Imlementation Detail: 3.4.1 User Master

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4 Imlementation Detail

3.4.1 User Master

Table No 3.4.1: User Master
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
User_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of user
User_Name Varchar 100 Name of user
Password Varchar 50 Password of
User_Type Varchar 50 Type of user
User_Status Varchar 10 Status of user

3.4.2 Bug Detail

Table No 3.4.2:Bug Detail
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
Bug_Id Int 4 Primary Key1 Code of bugger
Foreign Key1
Bug_Location Varchar 100 Location of bug
Bug_Description Varchar Max Description of
Bug_Type Varchar 50 Type of bug
Bug_Priority Varchar 50 Priority of bug
Tester_Id Int 4 Foreign Key2 Code of tester
Tester_On Varchar 10 Information of
Comments Varchar 100 Comment

3.4.3 BugMaster
Table No 3.4.3: Bug Master
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
Bug_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of bugger
Foreign Key1
Project_Id Int 4 Foreign Key2 Code of project
Status Varchar 10 Status of
3.4.4 Feedback Master
Table No 3.4.4: Feedback Master
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
Feedback_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of
Feedback Varchar 100 Info about
Feedback_Date Date Time Feedback date
User_Id Int 4 Foreign Key1 Code of user

3.4.5 Bug Solution

Table No 3.4.5: Bug Solution
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
Bug_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of bugger
Foreign Key1
Comments Varchar 100 Comment on
Programmer_Id Int 4 Foreign Key2 Code of
Fixed_On Varchar 100 about fixed bug

3.4.6 EmployeePersonalInfoMaster
Table No 3.4.6: EmployeePersonalInfoMaster
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
User_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of user
Foreign Key1
First_name Varchar 100 User first name
Last_name Varchar 100 User’s last
Address Varchar 100 User’s address
Father_Name Varchar 100 User’s fathers
Country Varchar 50 Country of
State Varchar 50 State of living
City Varchar 50 City of living
Phone Varchar 50 Contact number
of user
Mobile Varchar 50 Mobile number
of user.
Email Varchar 50 Email address
of user
3.4.7 CountryMaster
Table No 3.4.7: CountryMaster
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
Country_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of country
Country_Name Varchar 100 Name of

3.4.8 RequestResponseMaster
Table No 3.4.8: RequestResponseMaster
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
RequestResponse_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code for
User_Id Int 4 Foreign Key1 Code of user

Request Varchar 100 Info of request.

Request_Date Date Time Date of request
Reply Varchar 100 Info of reply
Reply_Date Date Time Date of reply
Status Varchar 100 To chack status

3.4.9 StateMaster
Table No 3.4.9: StateMaster
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
State_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of state
State_Name Varchar 100 State of living
Country_Id Varchar 4 Foreign Key1 Country of

Table No 3.4.10 :CityMaster
FieldName DataType Size Key Description
City_Id Int 4 Primary Key Code of city
City_Name Varchar 100 City of living
State_Id Varchar 4 Foreign Key1 State of living.

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