Labaciddeposition 1

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Acid Rain Effect on Metals Purpose of Experiment: To observe the effects of acid rain has on different materials and

to see which metal takes the longest to corrode. Independent Variable: Metal Dependent Variable: Amount of time it takes to decay Controlled Variable: Type of metal, size of metal, size of beaker, amount of acid, amount of time metal is placed in the acid Research Questions: Why do some metals corrode faster than others? (if they corrode at different speeds) Which metal takes the shortest amount of time to corrode? Which takes the longest? Was our hypothesis correct? Which metal would make the best building material?

Hypothesis: If silver is placed in nitric acid, then it will corrode faster than other metals in the experiment. If iron is placed in nitric acid, then it will corrode later than other metals in the experiment. Materials: Goggles for safety Nitric Acid Copper (1 piece) Aluminium(1 piece) Silver(1 piece) Iron (1 piece) Beakers(2x140ml) Thick tissue Timer Method: 1. Observe the materials before placing into substance. Write down observations. 2. Place the copper into a 140mL beaker. 3. Pour enough Nitric acid to cover the copper. 4. Start timer 5. Observe what happens to the copper immersed in the Nitric acid while the timer is going. Write down observations. 6. Stop timer when copper corrodes completely. 7. Record findings. 8. Place the aluminum into 140mL beaker. 9. Pour enough Nitric acid to cover the aluminum. 10. Start timer 11. Observe what happens to the aluminum immersed in the Nitric acid while the timer is going. Write down observations. 12. Stop timer when aluminum corrodes completely. 13. Record findings. 15. Place the silver into 140mL beaker. 16. Pour enough Nitric acid to cover the silver. 17. Start timer 18. Observe what happens to the silver immersed in the Nitric acid while the timer is going. Write down observations. 19. Stop timer when silver corrodes completely. 20. Record findings. 21. Place the iron into 140mL beaker. 22. Pour enough Nitric acid to cover the sodium 23. Start timer 24. Observe what happens to the iron immersed in the Nitric acid while the timer is going. Write down observations.

25. Stop timer when iron corrodes completely 26. Record findings 27. Record the difference of the results between each metal.

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