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Telepresence Virtual Learning Blended Class Course Syllabus Spring 2013

Pearl City: Instructor: Contact: Email: aipa!u "ig! #c!ool: Instructor: Contact: Email: Course: Class "ours: 4:,0 p.m.

Library Presentation Room Joey Porec 454-5500 $-%0& 'elsy 'ai-(amamoto 5&)-*555 L$"5,,0 -roup Communication an. Lea.ers!ip /ebruary 50 &0%, 1 2ay ,0 &0%, 3ues.ays0 3!urs.ays0 an. /ri.ays ,:00 p.m. 1

4escription 3!is course is pilot pro5ect 6or 3elepresence $irtual Learning. #tu.ents 7ill recei8e an electi8e Language 9rts : 7!en t!ey success6ully complete t!is course. 3!is 7ill be an integrate. class 7!ere stu.ents 7ill utili;e tec!nology s+ills0 language arts s+ills0 science s+ills0 an. lea.ers!ip an. communication s+ills to complete tas+s. #tu.ents 7ill .ocument t!eir e<perience t!roug!out t!is class an. be able to present t!eir perspecti8e to 8arious au.iences. Course =b5ecti8es 4emonstrate interpersonal communication s+ills 7it! 8arious au.iences >n.erstan. an. appropriately use t!e basic 8irtual tec!nology tools 4emonstrate t!e et!ical use o6 tec!nology Collaborate to complete tas+s Course 3opics 3ec!nology 1 pro6essionalism0 et!ical use o6 tec!nology ebE< ?lac+boar. 1 pro6ile0 contact in6ormation Interpersonal Communication #+ills $oice3!rea. Researc! s+ills

i2o8ie 3elepresence s+ills Plan 9tten.ance@Participation Pro5ects In.i8i.ual -roup 9ssignments #cale %00B - *0B )*B - )0B C*B - C0B A*B 9 ? C / ,0B 40B ,0B

Classroom Rules o6 Con.uct #tu.ents must call or email instructors i6 cannot atten. class. 3reat ot!ers as you 7oul. li+e to be treate.. Respect ot!er peopleDs property an. person. Laug! with anyone0 but laug! at no one. ?e responsible 6or your o7n learning. Come to class an. !an. in assignments on time. ?ring !ome7or+0 in6ormation0 eEuipment nee.e. 6or class. Fote: Instructors 7ill contact parent@guar.ian i6 stu.ents are release. prior to 4:00 p.m. or class !as been cancele. 6or t!e .ay. 9ttac!ments #tu.ent@Parent 9greement /orm 4rug Curriculum /orm Emergency Contact /orm "a7aii 4=E #tu.ent Internet >se -ui.elines #tu.ent Laptop@iPa. 9greement /orm #tu.ent Publication@$i.eo Release /orm 9.ult Publication@$i.eo Release /orm


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