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Name Taryn Wan Period 2 Date December 2, 2013

T h e M o l e C o n c e p t U n i t 4

Moles, Molecules, and Grams Lab

s !e"#e already disc$ssed in class, it"s easy to ma%e con#ersions bet!een moles, molec$les&'orm$la $nits, and (rams) *or e+ample, i' !e !ant to (o 'rom moles to (rams, !e $se the molar mass to ma%e this con#ersion) ,' !e !ant to (o 'rom moles to molec$les, !e $se #o(adro"s n$mber, or -)02 + 1023) *inally, i' !e !ant to (o 'rom (rams to molec$les&'orm$la $nits, !e .$st $se a t!o step process !here !e 'irst con#ert 'rom (rams to moles, and then 'rom moles to molec$les&*)U) /is$ally, it loo%s li%e this0 Molar mass 1rams Units -)02 + 1023 Moles Molec$les&*orm$la

,n this lab, !e !ill be !ei(hin( o$t 'i#e di''erent s$bstances then 'indin( o$t ho! many moles and molec$les&*)U) o' each one !e ha#e) Prelab0 ,' yo$ meas$re o$t 22)0 (rams o' Na34 in this lab, ho! many moles o' Na34 !o$ld yo$ ha#e5 4o! many 'orm$la $nits5 22)6768-7 9 1-)00 9 1)0086 : 40)00( 22)0(&40)00( : 0)-22 moles 0)-22 moles + ;-)02 + 1023&1 mole< : 3)8- + 1023*)U) Lab0 ,n this lab, there are 'i#e di''erent balances set $p, each o' !hich has a labeled s$bstance in a little .ar ne+t to it) =o$r .ob is to 'ind o$t ho! many moles and ho! many molec$les o' each s$bstance are in the canister) >ome Ma%e in'ormation yo$ mi(ht 'ind $se'$l0 sand ba%in( soda ;Na4C33< chal% ;CaC33< table salt ;NaCl< s$(ar0 s$crose ;C12422311< s$re that yo$r lab has a data table that contains the 'ollo!in(0 The name o' each o' these s$bstances The 'orm$la 'or each o' these s$bstances The molar mass o' each o' these s$bstances The mass in (rams o' each o' these s$bstances)

When yo$ are done !ei(hin( each material, calc$late the n$mber o' moles o' each material, and the n$mber o' molec$les o' each one, and p$t them in the ri(ht space) ll calc$lations m$st be sho!n on lined paper !ith all con#ersion 'actors and $nit cancellin()

Data Table: Container : 2)21( N M? >and Chal% >alt >$(ar Ba%in( soda

*3@MUA >i32 CaC33 NaCl C12422311 Na4C33

M3A @ M >> -0)06(&mol 100)06(&mol 27)44(&mol 342)3(&mol 74)01(&mol

M >> ;(< 22)03 7)4-( 121)11( 77)76( 42)46(

Calculations0 Usin( yo$r data, 'ind the 'ollo!in( #al$es) Ma%e s$re to sho! all !or% and !rite all n$mbers !ith the correct si(ni'icant 'i($res) 1a) N$mber o' moles o' sand0 0)7-26 22)03(&-0)06( : 0)7-26 moles b) N$mber o' molec$les o' sand0 2)213 + 1023 molec$les 0)7-26 + ;-)02 + 1023&1 mole< : 2)213 + 1023 molec$les 2a) N$mber o' moles o' ba%in( soda0 0)2027 moles 42)46(&74)01( : 0)2027 moles b) N$mber o' 'orm$la $nits o' ba%in( soda0 3)042 + 1023*)U) 0)2027 moles + ;-)02 + 1023&1 mole< : 3)042 + 1023*)U) 3) N$mber o' 'orm$la $nits o' chal%0 2)06 + 1023 *)U) 4int0 >trin( t!o con#ersions to(ether 4) N$mber o' 'orm$la $nits o' salt0 1)22-- + 1024 *)U) 2) N$mber o' molec$les o' s$(ar0 1)2-3 + 1023 molec$les Post Lab Questions: 1) Which o' the materials !e !or%ed !ith had the lar(est n$mber o' molec$les&'orm$la $nits5 Was this the material that had the lar(est !ei(ht5 Why5 >and had the lar(est n$mber o' molec$les and 2) Water has a molec$lar 'orm$la o' 423) ,' , ha#e 20)0 ( o' !ater, ho! many moles o' !ater do , ha#e5 4o! many molec$les5 20)0(&17)02( : 2)88 moles 2)88 moles + ;-)01 + 1023&1 mole< : 1)-8 + 1024 molec$les 3) B$tane has a molec$lar 'orm$la o' C4410) ,' , ha#e 20)0 (rams o' b$tane, ho! many moles o' nat$ral (as do , ha#e5 4o! many molec$les5 20)0(&27)123( : 0)7-0 moles 0)7-0 + ;-)02 + 1023&1 mole< : 2)17 + 1023 molec$les 4) , had the same !ei(ht o' !ater and b$tane in problems 3 and 4) Why didn"t the ans!er come o$t the same5 ?+plain)

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