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Ashanti Village

Homework and Special Assignment Policy

Students who regularly complete and turn in homework assignments perform significantly better in school than those of similar ability who do not do homework (Olympia et al., 1994). omework is !aluable because it gi!es students a chance to practice, e"tend, and entrench the academic skills taught in the classroom. #arents you are and can be instrumental in encouraging and moti!ating your children to complete homework. omework will satisfy one or more of the following ob$ecti!es% #ro!ide tasks that help the student re!iew the basic concepts and skills of the !arious core sub$ects& 'i!e students practice and e"tension of concepts and skills learned in class& (e!elop effecti!e study methods and habits& #ro!ide an opportunity to challenge the student with abo!e grade le!el e"ercises& elp the student prepare for classroom formati!e and interim assessments& Students will be e"pected to study math facts and operations, !ocabulary words, complete !arious le!eled assignments, and read nightly. )f a certain homework night needs to be changed due to a test, etc., arrangements will be made with other sub$ect areas in order to balance the amount of homework gi!en. omework should take your child between 4*+,- minutes to complete each night. omework may be checked in class by the student and.or me, and may be used as a re!iew for /ui00es. omework is the responsibility of the student. e.she must be prepared for class with completed homework assignments at the end of each school week (e!ery 1hursday morning). omework counts as a small percentage of the grade and is used as a grade ele!ator. 1herefore, it is imperati!e that your child or children take ownership and be responsible for completing and submitting homework on time. )f late or not submitted on time, no credit will be given. 2inally, from time to time students will be e"pected to complete special pro$ects (science fair pro$ects, book reports, black history posters, etc.) and participate in special e!ents (3wan0aa 4elebration, 5lack istory program, and 6mo$a 3aramu). )f any of the pro$ects are brought to me after its due date it will be up to my discretion to grade these items accordingly. )n addition, all students are e"pected to participate in special e!ents.
Olympia, D.E., Sheridan, S.M., Jenson, .!., " Andrews, D. #$%%&'. (sing st)dent*managed inter+entions to increase homework completion and acc)racy. Jo)rnal o, Applied -eha+ior Analysis,./, 01*%%.

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