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I. Objectives State what students will be able to do as a result of this experience. Students will be able to draw illustrations of Abraham Lincolns life. List national (N SS! N "#! or NS"A$! state (SOL$ objectives. N SS themes i. ivic ideals and practices% ii. &ower authorit' and (overnance% iii. "ime. ontinuit'! and chan(e )istor' *.+ , "he student will reco(ni-e that histor' describes events and people of other times and places b' a$ identif'in( examples of past events in le(ends! stories! and historical accounts of Abraham Lincoln

II. #aterials for Learnin( Activities List the texts! e.uipment! and other materials (includin( teacher made materials$ to be used b' the students. S#A/" board &aper ra'ons List the materials! includin( e.uipment or technolo(' used b' the teacher in presentin( the experiences. S#A/" board Martins Dream 0' 1ane *urt-

III. &rocedures for Learnin( Activities Introduction 2 outline procedures for activatin( prior 3nowled(e and student interest. o Inform students that the' are (oin( on a field trip to learn about Abraham Lincoln. o As3 students to share an' information the' 3now about Abraham Lincoln. o "ell students that the' have seen a statue of Abraham Lincoln in the boo3 Martins Dream. Show students the picture from the boo3. Instructional strate(ies 2 outline what the teachers and students will do. o Start virtual field trip with students4 http://abelincolnearlychildhood.wee\ o /ead facts from website to students. 5o thou(h pictures and read captions to students. Answer an' .uestions that students ma' have about photo(raphs. o )ave students watch cartoon video on Abraham Lincoln. Summar' 2 outline how 'ou will close.

Falconer, EDCI 544 fall 2010 1

o As3 students what the' learned about Abraham Lincoln. (0orn in lo( cabin! almost downed! freed slaves! leader durin( the civil war6$ o As3 students what #artin Luther *in( and Abraham Lincoln have in common. (0elieved in e.ualit'$ o "ell students that the' are (oin( to draw somethin( that reminds them of Abraham Lincoln. 5ive estimated time for each phase of the experience (introduction! instruction! summar'$. o Introduction 2 7 minutes o Instruction 2 +7 #inutes o Summar' 2 +7 #inutes 8escribe extensions or connections to other lessons. o "ell Students that Abraham Lincoln was a (reat president. Next time we are (oin( to learn about our first president! 5eor(e 9ashin(ton.

I:. Assessment Outline the procedures and criteria that will be used to assess each of the stated objectives includin( formative and summative. o Students drawin(s will be used for assessment o )ave students explain drawin(s and ta3e notes for comprehension of lesson :. 8ifferentiation List adaptations that will be made for individual learners. "his lesson will wor3 well for visual,spatial learners "ranslate for students that spea3 Spanish Students that are advanced can watch the second video without cartoons on the website.

Falconer, EDCI 544 fall 2010 2

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