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Ameiican Cultuie

Afiicans maik the enu of the Slave Tiaue

Nateiial mouifieu fiom: http:www.bieakingnewsenglish.comu7uSu7uS27-

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1.) Bo you think they aie tiue foi youi countiy othei countiies.
I feel I am often tieateu as a slave.
Theie is a mouein uay foim of slaveiy.
ulobalization is ieuucing the chances of slaveiy happening.

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Two hunuieu yeais ago, on Naich 2Sth, 18u7, Biitain banneu the tiaue in
slaves fiom Afiica. Afiicans maikeu this anniveisaiy on Sunuay with a special
ceiemony in uhana, fiom wheie Biitish slave ships tianspoiteu countless
numbeis of innocent black Afiicans to the 0SA. Bescenuants of these slaves
gatheieu at one of the most infamous tiauing posts, Foit Elmina, known as "the
uooi of no ietuin". They iemembeieu the tens of millions who ciosseu the
Atlantic, many peiishing, in baibaiic conuitions to pioviue fiee laboi in the New
Woilu. uhana's Piesiuent }ohn Kufoi gave a speech iecalling theii suffeiing:
"Thiough this uaik eia of human histoiy, the.human spiiit...coulu not be
bioken," he saiu. Be auueu: "Nan shoulu nevei uescenu to such low uepths of
inhumanity to man as the slave tiaue evei again."
Nany othei uignitaiies ieau speeches at the sombei ceiemony. South Afiica's
jazz legenu Bugh Nasakela blameu the slave tiaue foi Afiica's cuiient economic
anu social woes. "We have seen the manipulation, the impoveiishment of
Afiica...That is |pioof ofj the effects of slaveiy. Theie is no piice, no piice foi
what has been uone," he saiu. Biitish Piime Ninistei Tony Blaii sent a iecoiueu
message expiessing "ueep soiiow anu iegiet" foi Biitain's iole in the slave tiaue.
Bowevei, he uiu not offei a foimal apology foi his nation's uaik iole two
centuiies ago. uhanaian poet Kofi Anyi Boho lamenteu that the woilu has not
leaint the lessons of slaveiy, saying: "The tiaffic in human beings is cleaily not
ovei. Theie aie no boats to anchoi next to a slave foit but people aie being
foiceu into... a foim of enslavement all ovei the woilu."


1. What uo you think Kofi Anyi Boho means when he says ""The tiaffic in
human beings is cleaily not ovei. Theie aie no boats to anchoi next to a
slave foit but people aie being foiceu into... a foim of enslavement all ovei
the woilu.".

2. Bow uo you think the slave tiaue has changeu the woilu.

S. What othei countiies engageu in slaveiy, besiues Euiopean countiies.
a. Bow was it similai oi uiffeient to slaveiy in Ameiica.

4. Shoulu the uescenuants of slaves ieceive compensation fiom countiies
that engageu in slaveiy.

Ameiican Cultuie
Afiicans maik the enu of the Slave Tiaue

Nateiial mouifieu fiom: http:www.bieakingnewsenglish.comu7uSu7uS27-

S. What woulu be the best way to maik the enu of slaveiy. Shoulu theie be a
National holiuay.

6. Why uo you think Tony Blaii uiu not issue a foimal apology foi Biitain's
iole as a slave tiauei.

7. Bo you think it's possible that theie might be slaveiy again.
a. Bo you think slaveiy is possible in Koiea.

8. Bo you think Bugh Nasakela is iight about Afiica's cuiient woes.

9. Bo you think people will evei leain lessons fiom histoiy.

1u. Bow uoes slaveiy bieak the 1S values we stuuieu in class. Bo any of the
1S values make slaveiy acceptable.

11. Imagine that you'ie a slave on a boat going to a countiy you've nevei
heaiu of. What aie youi biggest feais.

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