Lesson 1 - Evolution of Stuff

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Unit: Lesson Title: Standards: (minimally include at least one strand and one indicator !or one o!

the standards"#

The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread Grade 6 Introducing theme: Where did my Walkman go? $%st &entury Learner Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning 1.1. !e"elop and refine a range of questions to fra#e and search for new understanding '&(S III Standard 2: $he Scientific %rocess: &'$U() *+ S,I)&,): Understand that science, technology, and society are interrelated S, -.2.1 )xplain how technology has an i#pact on society and science S, -.2.2 )xplain how the needs of society ha"e influenced the de"elop#ent and use of technologies $o examine in"entions . products we use today and co#pare the# to other instru#ents pre"iously used to sol"e proble#s. I can/ compare different #ethods of sol"ing the sa#e proble# describe si#ilarities and differences between the different editions of in"entions &harting +)olution ,orksheet Students find and record three ite#s and their predecessors 0ist differences, changes, 'nswer in one co#plete sentence: $he ite# I think changed the #ost since its inception is/ 'll criteria below #uch be checked in order to pass

Lesson goals !or the learner: &riteria to assess achie)ement o! goals:

*ssessment instrument(s#:

-esources used:

.arious /ooks on in)entions0in)entors: 1ennington, Stephen. 2reat In"entions: the stories, the people, and the science behind in"entions that shape our daily li"es. &ew 3ork: 'nnes %ub. Inc., 2441. !a"ies, )ryl. In"entions. 1oston: !5 %ublishing, 1667. 8urphy, 2lenn. In"entions. &ew 3ork: Si#on 9 Schuster 1ooks for 3oung (eaders, 2446. We/ Tools :acky %atent of the 8onth http:..www.colit;.co#.site.wacky<new.ht#l Science &ew for 5ids http:..www.sciencenewsforkids.org. Sweet Search www.sweetsearch.co# 5id (ex www.kidrex.co#

-oles o! teacher and L1S:

Roles not limited to either instructor, though techniques should highlight persons skills and strengths L1S %lan with teacher to pro"ide appropriate support %ro"ide access to child=friendly and child=appropriate resources 8onitor students> ethical use and progress with resources 8onitor and guide student progress Teacher %lan with 08S to best affect student learning Introduce topic %ro"ide access to resources 8onitor and guide student progress


Introduce 2ur2ose moti)ate curiosity %3 min 1. S'3: :hat>s this? a. @old up an i%od. (epeat with a disc#an, walk#an, cassette tape, record, A=track. b. ,an also do with Bu#p dri"e, ;ip disk, floppy disk, big floppy disk. 2. :hat are so#e of your fa"orite things to use? . :hat do you think those ite#s were like when I was your age? C. :hat do you think your children will ha"e? (resent 0 model ne, conce2t or skill %3 min 1. 1rainstorr# things in our li"es that we enBoy.

2. Use search engines to find pre"ious incarnations of ite#s we enBoy . 8odel looking at i%ods, today and yesterday. C. 8odel co#pleting )D*0U$I*& worksheet *llo, !or 2ractice and !eed/ack $4 min 1. Students look up Eoldies but goodiesF on Internet 2. $eacher to #onitor progress and answer questions . Students #ay work together to share resources, discuss findings, share enthusias#, answer each other>s questions *ssess !or learning %4 min 1. 8onitor by walking around doing checks, asking questions, suggesting #odifications to ,ornell notes 2. %air share #ost interesting disco"ery for G1H #inute . ,lass shares #ost exciting finding for G7H #inutes C. Students co#plete worksheet including one sentence. 7. 'll #ust be checked in order to pass *cti)ity sheet(s# included: 8odified ,ornell notes Gwith exit pass su##aryH

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