Unit Outline - Edited

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Unit Overview

Unit title Essential questions Primary content areas Grade level Unit duration (approx ! "escription o# unit$ purpose% student activities planned% and #inal product The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread 1. How has technology changed over time? What were the original ideas behind what we have today? 2. How did inspiration evolve into product? 3. What might be next? Science, !", Writing # 1$ wee%s &over the course o' the 'irst semester( Purpose We no longer live in a world where tomorrow is a %nown )uantity o' expectations. We don*t %now what +obs will be necessary in the 21st century, nor do we %now what capabilities we will have and what needs will need to be met. Students should attempt to thin% 'orward and problem solve 'or issues not yet problematic. We can only move 'orward i' we %now what the past has yielded. !hus we will loo% bac% in order to move into the 'uture. Student activities Students will loo% at how products have changed over time, loo% at inventors and their process, and share the similarities and di''erences via one inventor*s +ourney. &inal product Students will create and present a timeline via ap,le illustrating a chosen inventor*s process, invention, 'ailures and successes 'ontent standards directly addressed Standard ($ The Scienti#ic Process$ )*TU+E O& S',E)'E$ Understand that science% technology% and society are interrelated S #.2.1 "xplain how technology has an impact on society and science S #.2.2 "xplain how the needs o' society have in'luenced the development and use o' technologies Standard -$ TE'.)O/OG,'*/ "ES,G)$ "esign% modi#y% and apply technology to e##ectively and e##iciently solve pro0lems !" #.1.1 -evelop a process to invent a product or procedure to meet a need or improve upon an existing technology

Standard 1$ 2riting$ 'O)3E)T,O)S *)" S4,//S$ Use the writing process and conventions o# language and research to construct meaning and communicate e##ectively #or a variety o# purposes and audiences using a range o# #orms ./ #.0.1 Write in a variety o' grade1appropriate 'ormats 'or a variety o' purposes and audiences, such as pieces to re'lect on learning and to solve problems ./ #.0.# -escribe the reasons 'or citing sources &e.g., giving credit to original source, providing in'ormation 'or readers to 'ollow up on an idea( ./ #.0.2 ite various grade1appropriate sources using a consistent 'ormat when reporting in'ormation 'ommon 'ore standards directly addressed *S/ standards 2riting .istory$ Production and distri0ution o# writing #.WHS!.$ With some guidance and support 'rom peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, 'ocusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. Standard -$ ,nquire% thin5 critically% and gain 5nowledge 1.1.2 3se prior and bac%ground %nowledge as context 'or new learning 1.1.3 -evelop and re'ine a range o' )uestions to 'rame and search 'or new understanding Standard ($ "raw conclusions% ma5e in#ormed decisions% apply 5nowledge to new situations% and create new 5nowledge 2.1.0 3se technology and other in'ormation tools to analy,e and organi,e in'ormation 2.1.$ 3se the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology s%ills to create products that express new understandings Standard 6$ Share 5nowledge and participate ethically as mem0ers # our democratic society 3.1.3 3se writing and spea%ing s%ills to communicate new understandings e''ectively 3.1.0 3se technology and other in'ormation tools to organi,e and display %nowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess Standard 1$ Pursue personal and aesthetic growth 0.1.4 3se creative and artistic 'ormats to express personal learning

'riteria to assess student wor5 (0ased on standards! *ssessment instruments

1. 5esearch technologies and inventions in everyday li'e 2. /naly,e technology*s impact on society 3. 6rgani,e relevant data in an understandable manner 1. hec%list 'or students to chronicle completion o' tas%s. !eacher must approve 2. !imeline o' adaptation o' tool. "xample7 evolution o' the portable music player. 3. /ssessment will be based on the research and presentation o' in'ormation. reativity, though inspiring, will not be used as a 'orm o' assessment. 0. Writing s%ills, research process and completion &8.6s(, appropriate citations, and oral communication s%ills are all assessed at various points throughout using assessment tools at chec%points throughout the unit.

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