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LESSON PLAN: CREATE YOUR OWN CULTURE This lesson uses the Discovery Learning Model.

. This lesson meets the following objectives from NC Common Core: 7.C.1: Understand how cultural values influence relationships between individuals, groups, and political entities in modern societies and regions. Course: Social Studies Grade Level: 7 Total time: 3 days, 45 minutes per day Supplies needed: Poster board Glue Markers Old magazines

Context: This lesson allows students to take a hands-on approach to the concepts surrounding different cultures. Objectives: SWBAT create their own culture, constructing the different aspects that sets each culture apart from another. SWBAT interpret these aspects, and provide a written correlation between the aspects that they have created and how it affects their created society. Procedures: 1) Prior to this assignment, the students will have had a lesson on the different aspects and characteristics of a culture. Within this lesson, the students were given multiple real-world of cultures as well as a list of characteristics that make up a culture. 2) Students will be reminded of the different aspects that make up a culture. They are: Language Food Clothing Environmental Factors Entertainment Architecture Symbols of national pride Religion Sports

Socioeconomic status Anything else that sets one culture apart from another 3) Students will be instructed that over the next three days, they are going to be constructing their own fictional culture based on their own creativity and incorporating all of the aspects listed above. 4) On a poster board, students will create representations of the following aspects of a culture. They may draw or find pictures/images in the magazines that have been made available or a combination of both. The following is a list of aspects for their culture: A name for your country that includes your culture A national flag and other national symbols A typical family in your culture A typical building within your culture The favorite types of entertainment of your culture The types of industries in your country The types of clothing worn by the people of your culture A name for your country that includes your culture The prominent environmental features of your country Your national religion The types of food that are native to your culture 5) For each aspect of culture that has been portrayed on the poster board, the student will be required to write a short description as to how it fits into their society. Each description should only be 3-4 sentences in length and should express how that particular cultural aspect effects the society that you have created. These should be written directly under your pictures on your poster board. 6) Students will have the opportunity to display their finished boards at someplace in the school for others to see--either the library or possibly the lobby or one of the hallways.

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