Peng Cheng Recommendation Letter

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1o whom lL may concern, CcLober, 2013

1hls documenL ls Lo conflrm LhaL eng Cheng, born on 28Lh May 1988, has
worked as a mulLlmedla news asslsLanL for Lhe 8euLers lnslder, a global onllne
news neLwork, aL 8euLers Shanghal 8ureau from 1sL SepLember 2012 unLll
10Lh !uly 2013.

uurlng hls lnLernshlp, Mr. eng honed hls fllmlng and reporLlng skllls and
conLrlbuLed Lo many sLorles. Pls lnslghL lnLo modern Chlna's changes and
Lrends has helped enrlch our reporLs and we have even feaLured hlm ln one
segmenL abouL !on SLewarL's growlng popularlLy ln Chlna. 1hls was a very
popular segmenL, whlch ln facL was a Loplc suggesLed and research by Mr.
eng. hLLp://

Mr. eng's sLory Lelllng ablllLy has become so good LhaL he was even able Lo
sLep ln as a cameraman on cerLaln sLorles such as luxury blkes', Chlna's lefLover
women, cheap phones, and Lhe meanlng behlnd Lhe number elghL ln Chlna.


Mr. eng ls a rellable, Lhorough, hard worklng, flexlble and asserLlve. Pls mosL
remarkable quallLles are hls ablllLy Lo work qulckly under pressure and dellver
hlgh quallLy, accuraLe lnformaLlon ln a sLrucLured, undersLandable manner.
Worklng for an lnLernaLlonal medla organlzaLlon, Lhls ls an essenLlal sklll. Mr.
eng has masLered lL. Pe would be an asseL Lo any organlzaLlon he [olns.

lf you have any furLher quesLlons abouL Mr. eng, please feel free Lo conLacL
me dlrecLly.


!ane Lanhee Lee
Senlor roducer
8euLers ulglLal vldeo/8euLers lnslder

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