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Warren Petchalonis Journal 1 GRIT 671 Learning theories consistently impact how we created rubrics and design courses

Instructional design is built on the !ramewor" that learning theories pro#ide When using a learning theory$ you are able to !rame your measurable$ consistent$ and di!!erentiated goals around that line o! thought %s a teacher$ we consistently use would be &loom's Ta(onomy It is not o!ten that a principle will as" how much "nowledge le#el in!ormation you are gi#ing compared to how much synthesis you are ha#ing your students complete It is also #ery true o! constructed responses that are on the state le#el P))%s Words such as identi!y$ synthesi*e$ or analy*e being to mind creating higher le#els o! learning when compared to students writing down terms that they remember Learning Solutions Magazine describes how the current re#ised layout is down +The stairs represent the cogniti#e le#els in &loom,s original ta(onomy$ arranged in ascending order %bo#e each step is a list o! suggested acti#ities !or that le#el &elow each step is a list o! the #erbs that we commonly used to create learning ob-ecti#es . /)ee 0igure 11 This was no doubt done so educators could create a rubric with ease It also shows were to gi#e the most credit )omething that is "nowledge based$ would not be worth as much as something that re2uires something to be analy*ed % #ocabulary test would not be worth as many points as analy*ing a paper Piaget's constructi#ism contributed enormously to how we e#aluate learning$ and it's relationship with the social process Piaget saw learning as an acti#e process in which the students would be taught real world or authentic s"ills that they will be able to readily use in their li#es I! a course were to design a course around this theory$ it may loo" di!!erently compared to other theories 3ore !ocus would be on e(ploratory learning$ and perhaps a bigger emphasis on real world s"ills Less li"ely would there be &looms le#els "nowledge and comprehension being hit as hard$ and maybe more emphasis on e#entuating and synthesi*ing The logic here would be that these are s"ills that you are needed more so in the real world &oo"s are more o! a resource or encyclopedia and not so much a guide on how a lesson would be taught This could bring us to social constructi#ism When constructing a course$ the learn when using this theory would want to ma"e sure that many pro!essionals and "nowledgable people in the !ield that is being taught$ are there to interact with the students 0or isntance$ when teacing a course on web design$ a social constructi#ist would ha#e people who ha#e constructed websites interact with the students to better there understanding +The nature o! the learner's social interaction with "nowledgeable members o! the society is important Without the social interaction with more "nowledgeable others$ it is impossible to ac2uire social meaning o! important symbol systems and learn how to use them + Added paragraph: Do you think that standardized test adequately reflect the outcomes of learning process? Explain %s a teacher$ I thin" the need !or standardi*ed tests cannot be a#oided 4ou must ha#e a tangible arti!act that shows that you understand the material you are learning 3ost good$ well thought5out tests touch at least in some way on each o! &loom's ta(onomy The issue is that some people are not good test ta"ers$ so they're results may be lower than they actually should be 6owe#er$ with testing$ what you put in is what you get out )o in some respect$ especially !or adults$ standardi*ed testing is a good way 3ost adults should be aware o! their learning styles and ha#e strategies to achie#e well on a standardi*ed test While it is not per!ect$ it is an accurate way to re!lect some o! the learning outcomes It is also possible to use standardi*ed testing in tandem with other ways o! assessment$ that way people who per!orm low on tests could achie#e anyhow

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