Common Structures With Verbs: Choose From These Books To Test and Fix All Your Mistakes

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Common structures with verbs

Here are some lists of verbs that you can use with -ing forms and infinitives.

Verb + object + infinitive

advise allow announce ask assume authorize beg believe bribe cant bear cause command compel consider dare declare discover drive enable encourage estimate expect feel find forbid force get hate help imagine instruct intend invite judge know lead leave like love mean (= intend) mention need oblige order permit persuade prefer presume recommend remind report request require reveal show suppose take teach tell tempt train understand urge want warn wish

(For more information, see Test it, Fix it: Grammar Intermediate, page 61.)

Verb + object + -ing form

avoid cant help dislike dread enjoy excuse hate imagine involve justify keep like love mean mind miss prevent remember resent risk save stop tolerate understand

(For more information, see Test it, Fix it: Grammar Intermediate, page 61.)

Choose from these books to test and fix all your mistakes:
Pre-intermediate Grammar Verbs and Tenses Vocabulary Intermediate Grammar Verbs and Tenses Vocabulary Business Grammar Business Vocabulary Upper-intermediate FCE: Use of English Grammar for FCE

Kenna Bourke 2006

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