Lesson 3 - Craap Evaluator

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Web Site Evaluator From Savannah State Library http://library.savannahstate.edu/learning_objects/craap_test/index.php What does your C !!

" rating tell you# !ns$er at the bottom Currency (. )oes the site say $hen it $as posted or published# *+ so $rite the date here: ,. )o the lin-s you clic- on $or-# .. *+ you clic- on a lin- does it ta-e you to $here you thin- it $ould# elevancy /. *s there in+ormation about your topic on this page# !uthority 0. Who is the author or publisher o+ the page: 1. )oes the author have credentials# Who does s/he $or- +or: 2. *s there a lin- to the author o+ the page# !ccuracy 3. *s the in+ormation supported by evidence# 4. *s the in+ormation impartial / neutral# *s it persuading you to +eel one $ay or another# "urpose (5. )oes the in+ormation attempt to in+orm6 sell6 entertain6 or persuade you# ((. *s the page +act or opinion# %es &o 'nsure

Write t$o complete sentences $hy you thin- the $eb page you vie$ed is use+ul +or research or not.

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