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%o$ %i$s for 9oice 3are 01926 864000



Yelling, screaming, shouting Devise other ways of attracting attention e.g. forcefully for whatever reason!! handclapping, blowing a whistle signalling, etc !ushing" your voice #$eak face to face Reduce distance between yourself and others Use a softer tone Use sound amplification if available &e'uce noise (turn off ! or radio "ove to a #uieter place$

%alking in noisy $laces e.g. pub!

%alking too (uch if your &)#% your voice whenever possible to avoid damage. voice feels A short time off wor& for voice recovery is better than straine'%hoarse%you have a cold long absence, which is e'pensive for school!! *sing a force' whis$er his strains the laryn' more than tal&ing and can lead to longer term voice problems *se a gentle confi'ential tone Use breath to power the voice rather than tensing the laryn' ,nly sing if it feels co(forta+le his can irritate the membranes covering the vocal folds. (ip water or swallow instead If you have cough producing phlegm, try a gentle huff instea'. )eath to vocal #uality! )o you want to stop smo&ing* (ee help from your +,. -eware recreational drugs as they can damage the voice in additional ways through heat, irritation of the linings of the nose and throat, and by limiting the breath Drink $lenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated /($rove ventilation Use alternatives to sprays (e.g. deodorants, household cleaners$ If you are commonly suffering from this (stomach acid coming bac& up the food pipe and irritating the throat$ 3heck your 'iet. .at at least / hours before going to bed. (ee the +,. reatment is available Drink $lenty of water, suck fruit $astilles, inhale $lain stea( to (oisten the +ack of the throat an' soothe
For more information, please visit our publications page. 0,hyllida 1urse 0 !oice 2are 3etwor& U4. e8 t8 01926 864000

#$eaking on insufficient +reath (inging when your voice is vulnerable -a+itual throat clearing some of do this as a mannerism before speech! /rritants #(oking

)0cess alcohol #(oke1'ust an' fu(es

2ci' &eflu0

4e'icate' lo5enges 6very 'rying7

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