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For my high school literacy experience I am going to ratk abour something that was clreaded throughout my entire high school, the senior Engrish pro:ect. I courdn,t stand the thought of senior English because of this project. I had heard stories uo, about hor . v awful it waqphow rt* much .--,^L a-that is required of you to comprete that assignment It actually would turn out to be different thao I imagined it would be.


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reason that the school board or the state had decided to scrap rhe entire


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iorJoru senior project. ;:j.];,{J"'l:l


roll was called forthe first day, the first tnrngthatcameoutofmyteacher'smowhwas-[et'statkaboutthesemorproJect.'.

unfortunately' as soon as I sat doum in my

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thought that came to my mind after I heard her say that

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helf'' My teacher'

here comes a semester of pure

Ivfs' Byorick' proceeded to explain that

therlwas four parts to the ..Graduation

choosingyorntopic, writing


she calted

it; The fourpartstothe'pmojectwere

" ten page annotated bibliography about your topic, making an eight to fifteen minute presentation about your product' and finally making some sort of physical product to show that you have acquired soine sort of rrew skili or at ieast io show ihat you put a iot oiwork inio itre assignirrent. That's at she really tarked about regarding the project tluut day.
&er.le'ls later in *ess t.,r ttlked ah+lt the gn;ect *nce lgoln. \4;,13aaLar lntryne.t r:-s that we would have to find a topic and find a mentor that is not a family member. The next thing

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mindwas how lons would we have to find our mentor. Before I could even lut ii'.isii-iirdtiictfigrit rry'traefrcrisiii us f;ia'vc fmc'ur*tnc,sris trt-fiig-*rcck to trn$ oiir.incfiioi.

carne to my

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