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rhougin ro myseii"hoiy crap='how arn

because the person that

supposeti ro ger rrry inenrcr ro sigr a paper ior nre

I was thinking to be my mentor was on a business trip in China for three

weeks. As I sat there with thoughts running through my head about what I could do as an

airiraiiw.,sofir(lns asii-uri.'rgiiar if tiie persofl riiar we -wanr ro be oul rnenror. isrr'r here'-. iviy J= J
teacher said an email with a signature upon their retum would suffice. and then I thought to myseHlhow serious is the school about this

I let out a sigh of relief

wr wuuiti

irarvu ru gct

projectr'ivitn ail the forms that

sigrivii i bcgaui wuridcring iiuw irpi.igiri is riru sur'rgtii abuui riris prtijeur?

The next thing we had to was present my topic to a board of teachers. On that day I was
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s+rneth:ng r:qarci:rg

higl srho+! T!r!s didn't hslten


^ila.- sayire

twice in my high school before. The whole class lined up outside


waiting to U. ,uff.O

in for us to present what we wanted to do for our project. As I stood there waiting I looked



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iiaii; iiirv:cii;

absui'ifii3. i'o;

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nervous was actually comforting to me. My friend Shelly walked up, when I was half way through the line, to talk to me. We talked about our weekend plans together, and before I knew
was rrry turrl


gu arid prvsvnt rny rupiu


appruvai in firinr. uirirs rcaeirsrs.

i waiicii up LU my

three teacher approval board and sat down. First they asked for all the papers they needed signed.

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entertainment center on Auto CAD. They looked at me with a sort of puzzled face and one teacher said to me "is that it?" I replied and said in a respectful manner'1,es mamn it is',.
A'tlutriEr.orlU ut ule Lcaiilrsl's riaru tu fiig ulai and thought to myself this man is crazy

t sliuuiu ussrgfl

trlrc.J ur rbur picuus

uiiurriirtirc. i sai with


he thinks I can do all that. I tried to negotiate

them and explain to them that what they were asking of me was just too much work for me to do.

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