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Tip 02:

These are the $ollo&ing stages in &hich students ac)uire language:

2our .LL Sur!i!al 3uide

.!erything you need to succeed &ith a non.nglish speaking student4

Tip 01: /no& BICS !s- C"L#

Whats the difference and what do they mean?
BIPS: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills >Language in day-to-day social interactions, like recess, lunch >Takes 6 months- 2 years to o tain CALP: Cogniti!e "cademic Language #ro$iciency >%ormal learning like listening, speaking, reading and &riting >Takes '-( years to ac)uire >Comparing, classi$ying, e!aluating

Stage 1: #re-production: Students cannot speak, *ust +do, simple tasksStage 2: .arly- production: students cannot con*ugate &ords, ut they can do the steps they implyStage 3: Speech immergence: /ids ask )uestions and speak phonetically Stage :

Tip 05: /no& your terms4 .SL: .nglish as a Second Language 6Ser!ices pro!ided7 L.#: Limited .nglish #ro$iciency

Intermediate $luency: you understand each other, &ith a $e& grammar errors Stage !: "d!anced $luency: struggle &ith collo)uialisms

Tip 0': Testing <odi$ications

>#ro!ide a translation dictionary in their nati!e language and .nglish >"llo& more time on an e@am than a!erage >#erhaps place student in a con$ined space so they can read aloud to themsel!es >Aead the test directions to them
%ollo& these use$ul steps and you8ll e a success4
5- Learn ho& to pronounce the student8s name correctly4 9o not assume it is too di$$icult, and do not accept eing &rong 2- Try and meet &ith student8s parents I$ possi le 1- Translate: include &ords and phrases $rom the student8s nati!e language in your e!ery day lessons ;- Speak slo&ly4 <ake sure they can read your lips '- <ake a routine they can use daily4
6- Introduce !oca ulary in meaning$ul &ays4 This &ill pro!oke memory and gi!e them a reason to try and $igure things out(- 9o not use more pro$icient .SL students as a crutch4 Those students need to learn independently too =- >se your $ello& .SL teachers as a resource4 ?It is okay to accept that you are ne& at this- "s long as you try your est to e e$$icient and make e!eryone com$orta le, you are doing

Tip #4: Create a friendly classroom for all

a great *o 4

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