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Eric riociges Ms.

Ingram English l


Reader Response Letter 3

Dear Class, Firsr

oiaii i irave io say riur i iiie{i r

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assignments' I thought it was ssmewhat humorous the way that he started out the piec.e with the story about meeting the student in the writing center that came in tired as could be. I like that

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have to say that in general

I agree with his tips for understanding college writing assignments.

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The first of his tips I had never really thought about before but it does make sense to do. I also itreci wirat ne saici about riri'i<ing about an assignment in rerrns of the ciass as a wiroie. Tire second piece of writing seems to have a lot more of an enthusiastic tone. I also think has some good tios for people but most of them I couldn't follow myself I can see that miting for an hour a oay couici gready improve someone's -bur writing i couici nevor cio it myseii. i agree drar typrng with music is a great way to not only speed up your typing but also make the time go by faster as you are writing' I couldn't agree with him more when he says that faster passed music make you type faster because i irave noticeci drat i cio type ibster when i am iisrerung io a faster paceci song as opposed to a slower passed song. Finally I think that everyone can agree that you should take breaks when you are writing otherwise it becomes sroppy and un-organized.


fi^r, +-\,fy-v f-fi1



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