Site Licence Coordinate

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SITE LICENCE AGREEMENT Normanhurst Boys High School

Rick Bowman Educational S r!ic s" trading as The Algebra Toolbox, #r #ar s and #u$lish s ducational mat rials r lating to math matics% Ha!ing #urchas d th &ull sit lic nc &or th onlin mat rials and hard co#y" th mat rial can $ &r ly #rint d and'or #hotoco#i d and can $ #lac d on as many com#ut rs as r (uir d within your school or institut " including th institut )s n twork% Th in&ormation may $ us d on all com#ut rs concurr ntly% How ! r" th data" in hard co#y &ormat or onlin &ormat" may not $ distri$ut d to sta&&" stud nts or #ar nts &or us outsid th school or institut " or install d on # rsonal com#ut rs within or outsid th school% By #urchasing th mat rials onlin " it is assum d that your school or institut has agr d to th t rms o& th sit lic nc " and th mat rials cannot $ *chang d or r &und d% Should any o& your sta&&" stud nts or #ar nts r (uir Conquering Coordinate Geometry &or us o&&+sit " i% % &or hom or oth r us " th indi!idual & o& ,-. # r co#y will $ #aya$l % /ith thanks" Rick Bowman 0u$lish r and author Conquering Coordinate Geometry 1223
4256 -1.7 12-- or 2388 13. 38. Email r$owman9$ig#ond%n t%au :a* 4256 -1.7 1233% 0; Bo* .3< Lutwych 32-2= <. Stuck y Rd Clay&i ld 3288

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