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FAO: the Mayor Dear Sir / Madam Welcome to your new post, we wish you the best of luck

in your new job. There are some important decisions which need to be made by Monday lunchtime with regard to our citys immediate, medium-term and long-term future. The recent news from Detroit of the citys bankruptcy shows that even large cities are not secure, and we need to think about our future sustainability. We need some decisions from you on several matters: a) We have a growing population and a lack of affordable housing for them to live in. We would prefer to avoid the growth of squatter settlements that have developed in other cities, as we feel that they are not good for the image of the city. We are trying to attract investment and businesses from overseas. How will we house a growing population and support those who may not be able to afford to buy a house? b) We have a problem with air quality in the city. On some days, when the weather conditions are right, pollution builds up near the central area, and across other parts of the city. On these days, there are increases in the number of hospital admissions, especially amongst the elderly. How can we reduce air quality without affecting our economic growth? c) We currently import most of the food that the citys population eats, and a high percentage of that is wasted and not recycled. How can we become more self-sufficient in food, and increase recycling rates ? d) The city has an ageing population. What additional support can we give the oldest residents without abandoning the needs of other age groups and costing us large sums of money? e) Our sewers and water infrastructure are ageing and prone to leaks. Do you have any suggestions for maintaining water supply without having to dig up the city. f) Businesses are reporting that high speed broadband internet is vital for them to succeed. How can we connect up those parts of the city around the edges which are away from the main hubs, without causing disruption for residents ? The ultimate aim of course is that there are happy citizens, who will vote for you at the next election. With that in mind, you would also do well to research other problems that face cities, and look for examples of how they have been solved. The work of Jaime Lerner in Curitiba, Brazil might provide inspiration. I wish you the best of luck

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