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Gujarat is India's #1 state. #1 in what? * GDP? Nope, Gujarat is only 6th; Maharashtra is first.

* Per capita GDP: Nope again, Gujarat is 8th. Goa is first. * Literacy Rate: Not even close, Gujarat is not even in the top 10. Kerala leads by a large margin, at 100% according to some sources. * Life expectancy at birth, which is a good indicator of health facilities: Gujarat is only 10th, Kerala leads at 74. That is TEN years more than Gujarat. Which means that the average Keralite lives for 10 more years than the average Gujarati. * Sex ratio: Gujarat is TWENTY FOURTH with 918 females per 1000 males. Kerala leads again with 1084 females per 1000 males. * Home ownership, %age of people who own homes - this is a very good indicator of inclusive economic progress: Gujarat is reasonably good, but still only 4th with 73.2%. Kerala leads with 87.5%. * Vaccination rate - %age of babies who are vaccinated, which is a good indicator of health awareness and progress: Gujarat is NINETEENTH with just 45% coverage. Tamil Nadu leads with 81%. * Human Development Index: recognized worldwide as the best barometer for inclusive social and economic progress in a society: Gujarat is 11th with 0.527. States like Kerala which is first with 0.790 (in the range of developed countries) are far ahead. So what exactly is Gujarat first in?

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