Nutrition Education

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Nutrition Education

NFSC 365 Nutrition Counseling and Education Skill Area: Community Nutrition Assignment Title: Rethink Your Drink Assignment Description: Each group was assigned a topic intended for Chico State freshman. We were expected to design a nutrition education program for our target audience. Along with the nutrition education, we wrote a 5-page term paper that describes how each of the 6 Steps of Designing Theory-Based Nutrition Education was executed. What I learned: This assignment improved my skills in conducting needs assessment, evaluations, identifying barriers and motivations, and presenting an effective nutrition education program. Reflection: This assignment increased my knowledge of Theory-Based Nutrition Education. It also increased my knowledge and importances of a needs assessment. Determining a relevant need for a target population is a critical step. The various components of the project increased my skills in a variety of areas. Relevance to the profession: This project increased my confidence in public speaking, along with the use of PowerPoint. The process of developing all the materials and then teaching it was much more rewarding than using previously developed materials. The ability to interact with a class and lead activities was also an important step. The various components of this assignment will all be helpful throughout my career.

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