And Worksheet

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AND Worksheet & Evidence Summary Assignment

NFSC 440: Advanced Human Nutrition Skill Area: Research Assignment Title: AND Evidence Analysis Library Worksheet Assignment Description: You and your partner are RDs who have volunteered to be part of an Evidence Analysis Work Group. As part of the Work Group, you will be answering a question for evidence analysis on a specific topic. You will be competing steps 1-5 of the Evidence Analysis Process. What I learned: I learned how to formulate an evidence analysis question, conduct a literature review for the question, critically appraise each report, summarize the evidence, and develop a conclusion statement and assign a grade. Assignment Reflection: This assignment increased my knowledge of where to find scholarly articles. It also reinforced the important information within those articles, including independent varies, dependent varies, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, research methods and other important information involved in research. It also gave me a greater understanding on statistical importance and the importance of interpreting statistics. Importance to profession: Science based practice is the core of medical nutrition therapy. Being able to find and interpret research is dependent on the ability to understand the quality. During my career, it will be important to evaluate research to increase my knowledge in a continually changing field.

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