Goal-Setting Theory (Edwin Locke)

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Goal-Setting Theory (Edwin Locke)

Specific and difficult goals, with self-generated feedback,

leads to higher performance.
Specific goals produce a higher level of output than do generalized goals. More difficult the goal, higher the level of performance. Why are people motivated by difficult goals? Challenging goals get our attention and thus tend to help us focus. They energize us because we have to work harder to achieve them. They lead us to discover strategies that help us perform the job or task more effectively

Goal-Setting Theory
Relationship between goals and performance depends on:

Goal commitment
Task characteristics National culture

What Is MBO?
Management by Objectives (MBO)
A program that encompasses specific goals, participatively set, for an explicit time period, with feedback on goal progress.

Key Elements
1. Goal specificity 2. Participative decision making

3. An explicit time period

4. Performance feedback

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