Aim: To Objective: Apparatus / Equipments Needed: Theory

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AIM : To Study the Aderson Bridge.

The main objective of the experiment is to analyze Aderson Bridge.


Multimete, unction generator, Trainer !it.

This bridge is a very important " useful modification of Max#ell $ein bridge. %n this method the un!no#n inductance is measurement in terms of a !no#n capacitance " resistance as sho#n in fig. This method is capable of precise measurements of %nductances over a #ide range of values from a fe# micro&henrys " is one of the commonest " the best bridge methods. The balance condition is '( ') * '+ ', $here '(*-.(/j01(2 '+*.+ ')*'34 ',*.,/'35 -.(/j012 6 '34 * .+ -.,/'352 -.(/j012 .):j04 -.)/.7/(:j042 * .+ .,/ .).7 .)/.7/(:j04

After solving #e get& 1(*4.+ .,/.7/ .,/.7 .)

(2 4onnect the circuit as sho#n in fig. +2 4onnect voltmeter as sho#n in fig. )2 4onnect the A.4. signal of sufficient voltage and fre8uency from the function generator to the input terminal of the bridge. ,2 9o# vary the resistance .+ and .7 to bring the reading of the voltmeter to zero or apporx. to zero. 72 3nce it is zero the bridge is balance.

;2 9o# measure the resistance of the pot by the help of multimeter. <2 By using the follo#ing formulae calculate the value of inductor. 1(*4.+ .,/.7/ .,/.7 .)

Observatio Tab!e:" SR# No =( =+ =) =, Observatio 1x 1x 1x 1x E$%e&te' va!(e Observe' Va!(e

B .( 1( A > ., 5 .) 5 4 4 .+

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