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Art Foundations 12 Questionnaire | Fall Semester 2013

Full Name: _________________________________ Date: ________________________

1. Tell me about yourself! What do you bring to this class? For example: skills, experience, talents, enthusiasm, wit, humour, sarcasm, awesome taste in music...

2. Why are you taking this course? Your responses will help shape this course, so please be honest!

3. Please list any art related courses that you have taken in or out of school. Please include what grade/experience level

4. Do you create art outside of art classes? Please explain:

5. Tell me about the type of art that you currently make!

6. Which of the following would you be interested in? Circle any that interest you: animation video drawing painting sculpture installation sound printmaking performance art 7. What types of Art do you enjoy creating the most? pottery mixed-media art history silk screening other:

8. What inspires you to create art? The motivation behind your artwork:

9. Do you have a favourite artist(s)? Please share:

10. Do you have a favourite art movement(s) or artistic style(s)? Please share:

11. What do you like most about art?

12. What do you like least about art?

13. What type of projects would you like to do in this class?

14. Is there an area of art, design or media you want to explore further?

15. What are your expectations for this class?

16. Are there any specific skills you would like to learn or improve during this class? Your personal goals:

17. Do you plan to continue art after high school? Please explain:

18. Do you have an Art Portfolio? Please explain/describe contents and structure:

19. What type of pieces do you have in it? Is it a digital portfolio, website, prints etc.

20. Would you be interested in learning how to design/create/construct a Portfolio?

21. Do you have experience with Computers/Technology? Please explain:

22. Do you have experience with building blogs/websites? Please explain:


23. Do you have a device that can * Take pictures Take videos Text Phone None

24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how familiar are you with photography? * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 = You've never taken a picture

10 = Aperture, Shutter Speed, Digital, Analog - you know it all

25. If you could go on an art field trip in the area, where would you want to go?

26. Is there anything about this class that you are not sure about? If so please share:

27. Do you have any questions or anything else you would like me to know?

Thanks so much for sharing! The information you provided will help me get to know you better and assist in adding to the foundation, goals and objectives for this course. Ms. Rempel

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