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Jen Rempel | Mount Boucherie Senior Secondary | West Kelowna, BC | Sept. 3 - Dec.

20, 2013

Teacher Professional Growth Plan Goal #1 Increase engagement through the use of the Internet for instruction and learning. Rationale The Internet is an excellent tool for enhancing differentiated instruction, building 21st Century skills and fostering inquiry-based learning. The use of the Internet in a safe controlled classroom environment will be effective in promoting critical thinking, web awareness, netiquette and digital citizenship. Strategies Build and use class websites as a gateway for student and teacher resources, instructional activities and assessment activities Use a variety of Web 2.0 tools and resources to connect with students and parents, reach a variety of learning modalities and encourage inquiry-based learning Timeline Throughout the semester: September 3 - December 20, 2013 Achievement Indicators Students on task during class time Feedback assessment forms from students Students actively using class site during class to guide and enhance learning Links to KSAs KSA (a) contextual variables affect teaching and learning. They know how to analyse many variables at one time, and how to respond by making reasoned decisions about their teaching practice and students learning;

Jen Rempel | Mount Boucherie Senior Secondary | West Kelowna, BC | Sept. 3 - Dec. 20, 2013

Teacher Professional Growth Plan Goal #2 Create and maintain a structured and safe classroom environment Rationale TIme and again, I have heard that new teachers have the hardest time gaining respect from their students due to inconsistencies and lack of or unclear expectations, guidelines and consequences. Creating and maintaining a structured and safe classroom environment is imperative for learning to take place and will aid in the promotion of mutual respect. Strategies At beginning of semester, go through a clear outline of expectations, guidelines and consequences. Focus on a few core expectations, guidelines and consequences so as to ensure that they are easy to understand, follow and implement Encourage and highlight positive classroom behaviours and attitudes regularly Encourage students to respectfully share their own opinions and perspectives and be open to others opinions and perspectives Achievement Indicators Sense of community in the classroom, respect among students Instructional focus is on learning not management Vocabulary of Respect: please, thank you, constructive comments Feedback assessment forms from students Timeline Throughout semester: September 3 - December 20, 2013 Links to KSAs KSA (g) students needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. They know how to engage students in creating effective classroom routines. KSA (o) the importance of career-long learning. They know how to assess their own teaching and how to work with others responsible for supervising and evaluating teachers. They know how to use the findings of assessments, supervision and evaluations to select, develop and implement their own professional development activities;

Jen Rempel | Mount Boucherie Senior Secondary | West Kelowna, BC | Sept. 3 - Dec. 20, 2013

Teacher Professional Growth Plan Goal #3 Increase community environmental and social awareness. Rationale Integration of community awareness will help to establish a sense of belonging for students within their community while encouraging students to form opinions and share their voice as an artist and individual. Fostering this level of inquiry and awareness will build a strong foundation for their future as an artist, community member, Canadian and global citizen. Strategies Use local resources and websites to connect students with current community environmental and social issues Expand the definition of community as the semester progresses: from local -> provincial -> national -> global Use sketchbook activities to promote continued exploration of community Host frequent classroom discussions on specific issues Achievement Indicators A variety of sketchbook entries commenting on community issues Student feedback assessment forms Inquiry-based learning growth: informed research, discussions and opinions Timeline Throughout semester: September 3 - December 20, 2013 Local Issues: September 3 - October 3, 2013 Provincial Issues: October 3 - November 3, 2013 National Issues: November 3 - December 3, 2013 Global Issues: December 3 - December 20, 2013 Links to KSAs KSA (m) student learning is enhanced through the use of home and community resources. They know how to identify resources relevant to teaching and learning objectives, and how to incorporate these resources into their teaching and students learning;

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