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The Old Hag The old hag was at a head chopping.

She was sitting on a platform in the front row where she could get splashed by smelly blood. She was combing her bony fingers through hair that had been cut off for her by a tough soldier. She was wearing a white bonnet with gross dirt spots on it. Her hair was long, grey, tangled, and stringy .The texture looked very greasy. Her eyes looked small and were always squinting. Her nose was old wrinkled and oversized. Her skin was old and looked like a piece of crumpled up paper. Her face had huge moles all over. On top of her clothes, she had a grey, frayed shawl. Under her shawl were black long sleeve shirts that look excessively small. A long cream-colored skirt. The skirt was a cream color you could tell that it was originally white. The old hag was sitting on A old vegetable cart with wood barrels stacked up on top of each other. In the barrels was some kind of substance in them. Getting on her moldy vegetable kart the old hag was so impatient that she mentioned her sick grandson with the deadly disease smallpox. The guards immediately let her out of the gate when she mentioned her grandson with the deadly deiziese smallpox. After the old hag left the violent guillotine, she started to leave the city.

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