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Commentary Dianna Caudell Dr.

Bellon MGED 3015 12/6/13

1. Describe the lesson

The lesson I taught was over 3 different learning styles: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. The students took an online pre-test when class started. Once the majority of the class had finished the test we went through a PowerPoint explaining what the different learning styles are. After the students understood the different learning styles we played a game involving learning styles.

a. What grade/content
I taught in a two 6th and 7th grade Career Pathway Classes.

b. Purpose of the lesson (justification for why this should be taught)

The purpose of the lesson was to introduce students to 3 different learning styles. This is important for students to know so that they can be aware of how they learn, which can influence how they study.

2. Which standards/objectives inform this lesson

CCAE-CCAE I10. Students will identify their learning style(s) using data from various instruments. a. Complete a learning style assessment. b. Discuss data obtained from the learning style assessment.

3. Explain how this lesson helps your students make connections a. Connect to self
By understanding and knowing the different learning styles, students are able to get an idea about which learning style they use. This can help students learn more about who they are and what helps them learn.

b. Connect to content i. This content

Learning styles is taught in this class because of the impact it can have on a childs future. Career Pathways is designed to help students understand and know what their future holds. A student can determine what their future is whether it be a high-school dropout or a college graduate.

ii. Other content (interdisciplinary)

As stated before, knowing and understanding the different learning styles is information that students can carry with them the rest of their lives. Knowing how someone learns can help students communicate with others and take in new information.

c. Connect to world
When students begin getting jobs and developing relationships with others, knowing how a person learns can benefit them greatly. When individuals are able to teach someone in their own learning style they are developing a skill that will help them educate others.

4. Describe what you know about the students and the learning challenges associated with this class (keep in mind the contextual factors) a. Explain the variety of needs in this class
In the classes I observed, and taught my lesson, I noticed that the majority of the students seemed to be on the same learning level. There were always about 2 students that seemed

Commentary Dianna Caudell Dr. Bellon MGED 3015 12/6/13 to get the material faster than the rest of the class, along with students that had a difficult time understanding the material. The majority of the students that had a hard time understanding the lessons were either mentally handicapped or could not speak English fluently. During my lesson this did not seemed to really impact the kids as far as the different learning levels in the classroom because the majority of the class consisted of their having to work as a team to come up with the correct answers. They had to help each other out and explain the reasoning behind their answers.

b. Avoid identifying individual students

Out of the four classes I taught, only one of them had a student that was severely handicapped. My observation teacher had another assignment for him which he enjoyed doing. For the students that had a hard time speaking English they found a buddy that could translate and help them understand the assignment. That was a normal thing for them, so those students are used to helping the students that struggle with the English language.

5. Describe the students prior learning (related to this lesson) as determined by your preassessment a. Explain how your pre-assessment informed your choice of content vocabulary
The teacher I observed asked that I teach learning styles to her students. This narrowed down which vocabulary I taught the students. The teacher already had a power point with the words that needed to be taught. I took her power point and tweaked it to make it my own and then added a few extra content vocabulary words to introduce to the students, but I didnt teach those extra words in depth.

b. Explain how your pre-assessment informed your choice of strategies

After I was asked to teacher Learning Styles I decided to do some educational research. I began by making sure I understood all the content vocabulary the teacher asked me to teach. I then reviewed and made adjustments to my observations teachers PowerPoint (with her permission). I decided to come up with a game for the students to play. I had a difficult time coming up with a learning styles game to play with the class, so I went to and purchased a learning styles game. I choose to do the game because I knew that the students would enjoy it more than a lecture and that it would give them a chance to not only talk about what they were learning, but to work as a team.

c. Explain how you helped students learn vocabulary

By engaging the students in the PowerPoint and playing a game involving learning styles they were able to process the information in a fun way. During the game the students had to think for themselves to come up with the answers to the questions I asked. Many times the students would disagree with others in their group and would have to defend their answers, which meant they had to think about what they were doing/saying.

6. Identify one example of Academic Language that you taught in this lesson a. Describe a key learning task from your lesson plan that introduced this word (taskrelated)
The key learning task I used for my lesson plan to introduce the word Learning Styles was when I asked my students the question have you ever failed a test and why. The students were asked not to blurt out whether they had ever failed something but wither why someone might fail. I then began explaining that a student might fail something not

Commentary Dianna Caudell Dr. Bellon MGED 3015 12/6/13 because they are stupid or dumb but because the material was not taught in a way they could understand it. It was not taught in their learning style.

b. Describe a key learning task from your lesson plan that allowed our student to practice this AL related task
The students were able to practice learning styles through the game. They listened to the question I asked them and had to answer (as a group) as to what kind of learning style it was.

c. Explain how you helped students learn syntax OR discourse

Students learned syntax by learning and understanding the definitions and examples of learning styles. Discourse came naturally in this lesson since the students were playing the learning styles game in groups and had to work together and discuss the correct answer.

7. Describe the students learning (related to this lesson) as determined by your post-assessment a. Explain how your post-assessment provides direct evidence of learning
The online posttest I gave showed that the majority of the students learned something from the lesson I taught. The class average was higher than it was for the pretest.

b. Explain how your post-assessment will impact your future teaching in this classroom (pretend)
Since the post-test indicated positive results, I will do this lesson again. Helping a student discover his/her learning style would be an appropriate lesson in any subject I teach.

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