Graduate Resume 2013 Email

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Alaina Tetrick

EDUCATION Masters in Counseling, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Currently Enrolled Bachelor of Music in Music Education, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, May 201 Minor concentration in Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, May 201 ! P"O#E$$IONA% E&PE"IENCE


Middle !c"ool and #ig" !c"ool Music !tudent $eac"er, Clay%&attelle Middle and #ig" !c"ool' Marc" 201 % May 201 o Wor'ing under director, $"omas Moore, ( assumed res)onsi*ility +or #ig" !c"ool and Middle !c"ool c"oir, Com*ined Concert &and, and created a middle sc"ool ,+rican ensem*le.

Elementary -eneral Music !tudent $eac"er, !'yview Elementary' .anuary 201 % Marc" 201 o Wor'ing under seasoned teac"er, #eidi /ucas, ( gradually assumed +ull teac"ing res)onsi*ility o+ grades 0%1. 2lanned and executed interactive lessons t"at met t"e WV teac"ing standards o+ Music Education +or 3 wee's. o

Undergraduate 4esearc" ,ssistant, WVU ,))lied &e"avior ,nalysis /a*' May 2012% 5ecem*er 2012 o Under 5r. Claire !t 2eter, ( collected data and ran t"era)ist sessions wit" students at Monongalia Co. !c"ool6s alternative sc"ool )rogram +or *e"avior and emotional )ro*lems, -U(5E!

Undergraduate 4esearc" ,ssistant, !ocial 2syc"ology 4esearc" /a* o+ 5r. 7atalie !"oo' ' ,ugust 2012% 5ecem*er 2012 o 4an secure sessions wit" )artici)ants on a variety o+ studies a*out attitudes, managed data and "el)ed to maintain an organi8ed researc" la*.

(O") E&PE"IENCE -raduate $eac"ing ,ssistant, (est *irginia Uni+ersity Psychology De,art-ent' ,ugust 201 % May 201 o 4es)onsi*le +or teac"ing a section o+ 2syc"ology 101, and communicating wit" 1009 students, w"ile maintaining t"e online wor'site and grading and u)loading scored )a)ers -eneral Em)loyee, The (O(. #actory' 7ovem*er 2011% Current o 4es)onsi*le +or greeting customers and ex)laining cra+t )ro:ects to t"em, wor'ing t"e cas" register, di))ing and loading )ottery into t"e 'iln, and assisting customers in any way )ossi*le.

;ront 5es' Coac" < 5aycare assistant, #air-ont eneral Health,le/ #itness Center, May 200=% ,ugust 2010 o 4es)onsi*le +or c"ec'ing mem*ers in, maintaining a clean and organi8ed +ront des' s)ace, using t"e C!( com)uter system to ma'e transactions and log activity. 4es)onsi*le +or watc"ing 1% 11 c"ildren in t"e ;itness Center daycare w"ile )arents used gym.

"E%ATED COMMUNIT0 E&PE"IENCE World Music < -uitar (nstructor, (* $chools )aleidosco,e After $chool Progra-, ,)ril 2010% .une 2010 o $aug"t tem)orary wee'ly world music < guitar classes +eaturing cultural songs, dances, and traditional costumes to 1009 Elementary students, a+ter sc"ool.

Voice $eac"er and 2er+ormance Coac", Pa- )rall1s Musical $tudio' May 2001% .uly 2003 o $aug"t over 0 students in grou) and )rivate lessons. $aug"t vocal tec"ni>ue, )er+ormance s'ills, and c"oreogra)"ed and directed many routines t"at were )er+ormed in numerous recitals and s"ows all over West Virginia.


Certi+ied in Crisis 2revention and (ntervention 2ro+icient in t"e use o+? Windows =1@=3@200@ME@A2@Vista, Mac B! 10.A, $"e (nternet, Microso+t B++ice !uite, !2!! !tatistical !o+tware, and !i*elius Music 7otation !o+tware

$E%ECTED ACTI*ITIE$ !ocial C"air o+ 2si C"i (nternational 2syc"ology #onors ;raternity, 2012%201 Creator and 2resident o+ t"e WVU ;ellows"i) o+ C"ristian Musicians, 2010%2012 Mem*er o+ Mountaineer Cross;it, at 2ro 2er+ormance Mylan 2ar', Morgantown, WV ,ttends C"ristian and Missionary ,lliance C"urc" and )artici)ates in College C"urc"

"E#E"ENCE #eidi /ucas, !'yview Elementary Music $eac"er


C 0DE F31%1D=F, "dun'

5ina Muttillo, Co%Bwner < Manager, $"e WBWG ;actory


C 0DE F=2%D32 , t"

5r. 7ic"olas 2erna, Voice Coac" < 2ro+essor o CH3FE 2F=%D3D1 7ic'

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