Rough Draft-1

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Blackwell 1 Stephanie Blackwell Professor Cheryl Duffus English 101 12 September 2013

Growing up I attended a church called Grace Baptist. It was a smaller church with contemporary worship and preaching styles, but people still dressed very nice. I was used to walking down the halls and talking to everyone because I had known most of those people my whole life. I spent most of my time there because my mom helped out in childrens church, led VBS, and my dad was an important part of the church. At this point in my life, I was in 5th grade and I thought everything was perfect; good friends, great family and I loved my church. Then one Sunday morning everything changed. It was a sunny Sunday morning like any other but the mixed emotions for some people brought a dull mood to the sanctuary. My parents and grandparents were crying and I didnt understand why. They had explained to me that we were about to change churches because they felt God was leading them in that direction. Since I was so young I didnt understand what that meant. I felt like my parents just made the decision for me and I didnt have a say. It made me really upset because I thought my world was falling apart. Everyone and everything I had grown up around was taken from me just like that. I knew we would begin visiting other churches soon and I didnt like that idea. I was really shy growing up so change and new situations didnt come easy to me. We began visiting churches that were bigger than the one I grew up in. I can remember being so overwhelmed just

Blackwell 2 walking into the building because I wasnt used to anything like that. We visited a few churches over a couple of months, but we didnt feel at home at any of them yet. Almost nine years ago on a Sunday morning, we walked into a church that has changed my life forever. Catawba Heights Baptist Church is one of the bigger churches in my area. I knew people from school that went there but I wasnt really close to them. I spent most Sundays in preaching with my parents instead of going to childrens church because I was scared. I was intimidated by how big and different everything was. We visited this church for a few more Sundays and it wasnt long until my parents told my sister and me that this is where the Lord was calling us to be. I was uneasy about their decision because my heart was still at our old church. This church was much bigger than the one I had grown up in. It was different walking down the halls and not seeing faces I knew. Some people there were dressed in jeans and t-shirts and covered in tattoos. To be honest, I was terrified. I knew I had to go along with my parents decision because this is where we were going to be from now on. It took me a few Sundays to get back into childrens church because I was so shy. I had friends there from school so one Sunday I finally went with them. It was the best decision I had made. As the weeks went on, my family and I became adjusted to the things at our new church. I began losing the bitterness of moving churches and before I knew it I loved my new church more than ever. Being involved with childrens ministry was my passion from that point on. As the year went on and I moved out into youth, I continued working in childrens church as a small group assistant. I made so many new friends through serving in the childrens ministry and being really involved with youth. Over the years at CHBC, we changed youth pastors a few

Blackwell 3 times. It was hard for me because of the strong relationships I had with them. But through all this change, I realized God does everything for a reason and His plan for our life is so much better than what we want for ourselves. Nine years later, we still attend CHBC as a family. We all serve in different ministries of this church. I couldnt imagine spending my Sundays and Wednesdays at any other place. I am still actively involved in youth and serving in the childrens ministry. Being involved in my youth group has given me many opportunities to serve in my community and in other states. Through this I have been taught that giving back is so important. Its not what you take its what you give and that through any change in your life, God is with you through it all. Serving in the childrens ministry has also taught me a lot. I have been working with my group since they were in kindergarten, and they are now in fourth grade. These kids have taught me so much over the years, and whenever I am having a bad day, they always put a smile on my face. I love going home on Sunday to see their smiling faces and to get attacked by their sweet bear hugs. Even though in the beginning I wasnt ready to change churches, God knew what was in store. Over the years He has shown me that its not on my timing its on His and He is with us through every storm we go through. I also learned that it doesnt matter what you wear or what you look like, God loves you the way you are. CHBC is an example of a church that accepts you no matter what you wear, how many tattoos you have, or what kind of background you come from. Some of those people I was terrified of on the first day are some of the sweetest people I have ever met.

Blackwell 4 I couldnt be more thankful for my parents decision to become members of CHBC. Every Sunday morning I am reminded how blessed I am to be at CHBC. I cant express enough how much I love my church. I wouldnt be the person I am today if it werent for my church. From this challenge I learned that change could be a good thing if you allow God to direct your steps.

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