Racecar Creation

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Racecar Creation

Computer Applications 1
25 points

Directions – Follow the procedures below to create a racecar for the Garfield Speedway.
This racecar will be used to track your keyboarding progress in Computer Applications 1.


Step 1 – Download the file racecar.jpg (right)

Step 2 – Save the file as racecar.jpg in your computer apps / other folder

Step 3 – Open Paint by clicking on Start  Programs  Accessories  Paint

Step 4 – Use the paint toolbar to paint the inside of your car

Step 5 – Click edit  select all

Step 6 – Click edit  copy to copy your racecar from paint

Step 7 – Open Microsoft Word

Step 8 – Click edit  paste

Step 9 – Right click on your car, format picture  layout 

In front of text to make your car a free object in Word

Step 10 – Using WordArt place your Last Name on the trunk of

the racecar

Step 11 – Using WordArt place your favorite 2 digit number on the roof of the racecar

Step 12 – Fill the hood and sides of the racecar

with company logos you copy and paste
from the internet (school appropriate)

Step 13 – On the Drawing Toolbar, select the Select Objects


Step 14 – Draw a rectangle around your entire racecar to

select all the objects on your screen

Step 15 – Right click on your racecar and select Grouping 


Step 16 – Click File  Save As… and save your racecar as

racecar.doc in your computer apps / other folder

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