Flowchart For Selecting The Appropriate Hypothesis Test

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Flowchart for Selecting the Appropriate Hypothesis Test

TYPE OF OUTCOME MEASURE No inal %e&g&' co(nts) Or!inal %e&g&' ran*s) "nter#al$Rati o %e&g&' test scores)

Cross+classifie! o,ser#ationsYes No

Relationships ,etween #aria,les or gro(p !ifferences.ro(p Relationships /ifferences

X0 Test of "n!epen!ence

X0 .oo!ness+ of+Fit Test

N( ,er of 1aria,lesT w More than o Two

Paire! O,ser#ations-



Relationships ,etween #aria,les or gro(p !ifferences.ro(p Relationships /ifferences

Correlatio n

Regressi on

N( ,er of .ro(psTwo rs Ran* Correlation Paire! Yes No Sa ples t+ test Paire! O,ser#ationsMore than Two

N( ,er of .ro(psT w o More than Two

N( ,er of .ro(ps-

ANO1 Repeate! Meas(res A


More than Two

N( ,er of "n!epen!ent 1aria,les-


More than One

2ilco3on Signe! Ran*

Frie! an Test N( ,er of .ro(psFactorial ANO1A More than Two

Test On e

T w o

Mann+ 2hitney U Test

4r(s*al+ 2allis H Test

One Sa ple t+test

"n!epen!ent Sa ples t+ test

One Factor ANO1A

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