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In considering the role of a common framework at more advanced stages of language learning it is necessary to take into account changes in the nature of needs of learners and the context in which they live, study and work. Language is one of the most powerful weapon created by man. The invention of language, symbols that systems articulated through which can exchange ideas and concepts, not an invention attachment to human condition. Language gives us elements to agree among people, because it does not need to be in the presence of something to refer to, is create with the above, holding the ability for people to express their past experiences, present, think and plan for the future. Approach adopted: Language use, embracing language learning, comprises the actions performed by persons who as individuals and as social agents develop a range of competences, both general and in particular communicative language

competences. They draw on the competences at their disposal in various contexts under various conditions and under various constraints to engage in language activities involving language processes to produce and/or receive texts in relation to themes in specific domains, activating those strategies which seem most appropriate for carrying out the tasks to be accomplished. The monitoring of these actions by the participants leads to the reinforcement or modification of their competences. Communicative competence is the ability of a person to behave effectively and appropriately in a given speech community, this implies respecting a set of rules that includes both grammar and the other levels of linguistic description (vocabulary, phonetics, semantics) as the rules related of the socio-historical and cultural context in which communication takes place, the acquisition of such competence is mediated social experience needs and motivations, which is both a source renewed motivations, needs and experiences.

Language functions are called the same as those expressions can convey the attitudes of the issuer (the speaker, the writer and oral communication and written communication). The language is used to communicate a reality (whether affirmative, negative or possibility), a desire admiration, or to inquire or make an order, depending on the different prayers as we use to express these realities, will play the role that language. There are a number of mistaken for speech: discussion, advice, negotiation, presentation, text, argumentation, rhetoric, dialogue, monologue, etc. what we understand speech has an origin language but extends beyond, reaching in a very broad meaning and both operational and powerful, both to understand what happens to intervene it. By joining the language (in its broadest sense, which includes all symbols management beyond the word) with social life, we get speeches and there are units with full meanings. Conversation analysis focuses on how oral communication is organized in every day exchanges. Describe verbal interaction practices practice basics activities that regulate social life. The word, from this point of view, plays and explains the social roles played by members of a given society and how this is structured. However pragmatic is the study of the linguistic communication in context, language is the main means of communication and grammar of a language is not guarantee success word can mean more (or something different from) what they say. In his interpretation involved a multiplicy of factors, among which are the familiarity with the context intonation marks and cultural assumptions. Some linguistic the subject suggest that gender identity is a socially constructed phenomenon, permanently unfinished and subject to multiple and diverse influences exerted different frameworks within which people interact in their daily lives. Therefore, in selecting linguistic features determining influence style, relevantly, pragmatic factors located within the register. The writer choose a certain way language depending on the interest that move: if you want to represent the speaker

of a poor neighborhood, use vulgar poor record but, which wants to describe a beautiful landscape that is a esthetically attractive manner use a literary or register.

Communicative language competence can be considered as comprising several components: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. Each of these components is postulated as comprising, in particular, knowledge and skills and know-how. Communication and learning involve the performance of tasks which are not solely language tasks even though they involve language activities and make demands upon the individuals communicative competence. To the extent that these tasks are neither routine nor automatic, they require the use of strategies in communicating and learning. In so far as carrying out these tasks involves language activities, they necessitate the processing (through reception, production, interaction or mediation) of oral or written texts. The relationship between strategies, task and text depends on the nature of the task. This may be primarily language-related, i.e. it may require largely language activities and the strategies applied relate primarily to these language activities (e.g. reading and commenting on a text, completing a fill in the gaps-type exercise, giving a lecture, taking notes during a presentation).

Common reference levels: It may be, according to the learners cognitive style, that the memorization of spoken forms is greatly facilitated by association with the corresponding written forms. Vice versa, the perception of written forms may be facilitated, or even necessitated, by associating them with the corresponding oral utterances. If this is so, the sense modality not required for use and consequently not stated as an objective may nevertheless be involved in language learning as a means to an end. It is a matter for decision (conscious or not) which competence, tasks, activities and strategies should be given a role in the development of a particular learner as objective or means.

Language use and the language user/learner: The linguistic and cultural competences in respect of each language are modified by knowledge of the other and contribute to intercultural, skills and knowhow. They enable the individual to develop an enriched, more complex personality and an enhanced capacity for further language learning and greater openness to new cultural experiences. Learners are also enabled to mediate, through interpretation and translation, between speakers of the two languages concerned who cannot communicate directly. The user/learners competences The basic features of this model are fully developed during early childhood, but it is further developed through education and experience during adolescence and indeed throughout adult life. Communication depends on the congruence of the models of the world and of language which have been internalized by the persons taking part. One aim of scientific endeavour is to discover the structure and workings of the universe and to provide a standardized terminology to describe and refer to them. Ordinary language has developed in a more organic way and the relation between the categories of form and meaning varies somewhat from one language to another, though within fairly narrow limits imposed by the actual nature of reality.

The features distinctively characteristic of a particular European society and its culture may relate, for example, to: 1- Everyday living. 2- Living conditions. 3- Interpersonal relations. 4- Values, beliefs, and attitudes. 5- Body language. 6- Social conventions. 7- Ritual behavior.

Language learning and teaching: What is it that learners have to learn or acquire? For years, the popular methodology for learning a second language was to focus on grammar and sentences first and then on vocabulary. Recently, however, there has been a shift toward recognition that learning vocabulary first leads to more success. In order for learners to successfully make the association between a foreign language word and its meaning, that meaning must be conveyed in a comprehensible manner. One method for making foreign terms comprehensible and thus promoting vocabulary learning is to present each word in a variety of ways. Forcing language learners to rush into sentence formation can interfere with vocabulary learning during the beginning stages of acquiring a new language. In this context the promotion of respect for the diversity of languages and of learning more than one foreign language in school is significant. It is not simply a linguistic policy choice at an important point in the history of Europe, for example, nor even, however important this may be a matter of increasing future opportunities for young people competent in more than two languages. Whether these are communication or learning strategies, if one takes the view that they enable an individual to mobilize his or her own competences in order to implement and possibly improve or extend them, it is worthwhile ensuring that such strategies are indeed cultivated as an objective, even though they may not form an end in themselves.

Linguistic diversification and the curriculum: refers to the ability to use languages for the purposes of communication and to take part in intercultural interaction, where a person, viewed as a social agent has proficiency, of varying degrees, in several languages and experience of several cultures. This is not seen as the superposition or juxtaposition of distint competences, but rather as the existence of a complex or even composite competence on which the user may draw.

The customary approach is to present learning a foreign language as an addition, in a compartmentalized way, of a competence to communicate in a foreign language to the competence to communicate in the mother tongue. The concept of plurilingual,(the way in which people acquired different languages), and pluricultural, (the ability to use language).

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