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Help Mom send out Christmas cards

Read the Night before Christmas

Purchase and Deliver Make Christmas Fudge Christmas gifts for a Family in need Make treats for Postman! "anitation orkers # local firefighters and police officers "ay hello and smile at everyone you meet today

Invite a ido dinner


Call $unts and %ncles and tell them you love them today &o to Nursing home to go caroling or visit someone elderly

'earn a Ne Christmas "ong

Drink (arm $pple Cider

)reakfast for Dinner * sno man pancakes

"end a Christmas Card to a Missionary

Reenact the Nativity "tory "end a Christmas Card to our -roops .verseas &o Christmas "hopping for gifts for "iblings Make treats for Neighbors and Deliver

Read the "tory of +esus, )irth

&o to the Christmas Parade

&ive a Christmas gift to +esus

&o Caroling

Red # &reen Dinner

Make a Christmas .rnament

&o for a Ride to see Christmas 'ights

Make a Christmas Craft

Read a Christmas )ook

&o Ice "kating

/isit "anta

Make Hot Chocolate ith marshmallo s and sprinkles

(ear Pa0amas to atch -he Polar 12press and have dinner hile atching -/

Make a )irthday Cake for +esus

(rap Presents

Make a &ift for your -eacher &o on a "leigh Ride or Horse Dra n Carriage Ride

Make Christmas Cookies together (atch a Christmas Movie as a Family and have a picnic in front of the tree

Find the home ith the best Christmas (rite a 'etter to "anta lights and take them a thank you note and treat

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