Vlad Popescu

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Vlad Popescu

Birth date: November 6th 1989

Permanent address: Stadionului Street, Stefnetii Noi, Romnia
Present address: 118 Lacul Tei Boulevard, Bucureti, Romnia
Phone: +40 730 309 307 E-mail: daddy.ninja@yahoo.com

Targeted Job:
Full time
Part time

Colibasi Technical High School, Colibasi (2004 2007);
Dimitrie Dima Technical High School, Pitesti (2007-2009);
Bucharest Technical University of Civil Engineering (In progress).

PC Skills:
Microsoft Office;
Adobe Dreamweaver;
Image-Line FL Studio.

Foreign Languages:
English advanced;
French novice.

Other Skills:

Great listener and communicator who effectively conveys information verbally and in
Resourceful team player who excels at building trusting relationships with customers
and colleagues;
Patient risk-taker who is open to new ideas;
Productive worker with solid work ethics;
Apt pupil, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate new concepts.

Volunteer Activity:

Make Trade Fair (2008)

Lets do it Romania! (2010)

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