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Dear Innovators, NORD would like to request your assistance in our next project. We would like to kick off a National Genetic Disorder Awareness Month. Genetic disorders affect an estimated 30 million people in the United States. Genetic disorders come in all shapes and sizes and are often undiagnosed or diagnosed later in life due to the lack of awareness. said Dr. Robert Desnick, Medical Advisor to the Genetic Disease Foundation. That is why it is so important that Americans take a more proactive role in getting to know and understand their genes. We would like a collection of Public Service Announcements that can be aired to the nation during National Genetic Disorder Awareness Month. This is where we need your assistance. We would like you to choose a genetic disorder that interests or pertains to your daily life from the list provided and create a detailed PSA that will raise awareness and educate the public about the chosen genetic disorder. You will be responsible for conducting in depth research over the selected disorder and determining what information is essential in educating the public. We encourage you to work with a small group of your peers. There are several things to consider during your research and while creating your PSA. What is the genetic disorder and what symptoms are associated with it? What conditional and compound probabilities are associated with the genetic disorder? How can these probabilities help make and justify decisions regarding risk associated with the genetic disorder? How have techniques such as DNA fingerprinting, genetic modifications and chromosomal analysis helped advance the research? You will be responsible for turning in a complete list of all sources in MLA format. Be sure the sources you use are reliable. Keep in mind scholarly peer-reviewed sources will provide the most accurate information. Your PSA should be creative and informative. We would like to thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to receiving your PSA. Thank You.

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