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The Reading Habits of 7th Grade Boys in Relation to Comic Books

Lower Class Boys




40% Daily 30% Weekly Monthly/Never 20%


0% Heavy Comic Book Reader Occasional Comic Book Reader Non-Comic Book Reader

Lower class boys seem to read more often when they are reading comic books. The percentage of daily reading is much higher in Heavy Comic Book Readers than it is for Non-Comic Books Readers. In fact, the less a 7th grade boy reads comic books the less likely he is to be reading at all. This study shown in Krashens book gives an insight into the importance of comic books in the reading habits of a lower class boys life.

Middle Class Boys




40% Daily 30% Weekly Monthly/Never 20%


0% Heavy Comic Book Reader Occasional Comic Book Reader Non-Comic Book Reader

Middle class boys also seem to exhibit the same reading habits of the lower class. While the occasional comic book readers didnt have much of a distinction between how much they read daily or monthly, non-comic book readers of the middle class read more often than the lower class. This may be an indication that lower class boys will depend on comic books for reading encouragement more than the middle class. Although there was an increase in non-comic book readers that read either daily or weekly, the number of daily readers also increased.

Both Lower and Middle Class Boys




40% Daily 30% Weekly Monthly/Never 20%


0% Heavy Comic Book Reader Occasional Comic Book Reader Non-Comic Book Reader

When the data for both lower and middle class 7th grade boys is put together, it is easy to see that comic books are a big factor in encouraging middle school boys to read. Because this group has the lowest numbers in library patronage and circulation statistics, it would serve a library well to review these graphs and considers adding more comic books and graphic novels into their YA and Juvenile sections. If libraries want these teens as well as other boys to read more, they will have to provide material that will attract them to their buildings.

Krashen, S. D. (2004). The Power of Reading: Insights From the Research. Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited.

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